Halloween Raid

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Halloween Raid

You're probably aware that Halloween is on Thursday. If this surprises you, you're probably in trouble. Anyway, due to the semi-holiday we need to know if we'll have enough people to raid. We already know that some players will be late, so I am moving the start time back.

We will start at 9:30pm, PST if we have enough players. We'll still only go to 11:30pm, so it'll be a short raid.

What will we be killing? I'd like to get to Garrosh this week, so extending is the plan. I think we should hit the Paragons on our short Thursday so we have all of Monday to work on Garrosh. This sort of plan will likely make it hard to find PuGs, so having a full GT raid will be really helpful! If we can't get a full GT raid, we could Flex some of the later bosses instead to try for tier and still save our lockout.

So please sign-up and let us know! Thanks!