Exycute Holy Paladin - Dairystorm Protection Warrior {Withdrawn}

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Exycute Holy Paladin - Dairystorm Protection Warrior {Withdrawn}

Tell us a little about yourself:

I'm a 19 year old boy from Canada focusing on my Hockey career and trying to gain an athletic scholarship to go to school in the states. I've been playing for about 6 years now and have always had my paladin.

Tell us about your WoW experience:
Like I said above, I've been playing WoW for about 6 years on and off. Lately my interest and passion for the game has risen and I have been playing a lot. Your raid times of Monday and Thursday is absolutely perfect for me. If youre looking for a healer or tank, I strongly believe I'm your guy. I'm currently horde on zul'jin but I could gladly swap servers and factions with your help of course :)

What was your favorite gaming moment?
When me and my friends were ranked within the top 100 clans of MW2 MLG, that was a time when Call of Duty was a lot of fun for me.

Extra Credit
If you are interested, I can give you a screenshot of my interface via email, just let me know! If you want to contact me in-game Chattsy#1539 is my b-tag!

Hope to hear from you guys soon :)

Skarn's picture

Hey, Schatter! Thanks for the interest. Our healer corps is pretty solid, but there may still be some room there. On the other hand, we are definitely looking for a tank right now. At the moment we only have one, but we do have a DPS that may be able to fill in. Anyway, tank is our biggest need at the moment.

We are just starting Heroics, but the loss of our regular tank may set us back on that. Your tank doesn't look quite ready for Heroics, but it should be good for Normals. Your experience is also low, so we'd probably need to gear you up some and do some training too. :)

You are definitely an option, we'll seriously consider it. It's harder to make these decisions when you'd need to pay for transfers to be able to raid with us. We don't want to make you do that unnecessarily! Feel free to ask any questions or make an alt to hit us up in-game.

For Science!

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