Ðeathfrost <Frost Mage> {Accepted}

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Ðeathfrost <Frost Mage> {Accepted}

Sorry in advance if grammar/spelling/ punctuation is horrible. was in a hurry to get off to work.

Tell us tell us a little about yourself: Hello, my name is Harley, online names -frosty, rusty, death, Harley-. I live in Washington state, currently attending college at a community college for engineering/computer science. Work at a dog boarding place picking up dog crap and cleaning out their kennels. And I'm 19 and single ;).

Tell us about your WoW experience: I stated wow back in WotLK when they were spamming trade chat for Naxx. First character I ever made was a gnome warlock named -Harleyboi- got him to 56 then a dk niightelf. He became my first ever capped toon. Eventually I got bored, switched realms from Azuramyst to Sadowmoon, and went horde. Capped a BE Warlock Bloodz great at pvp and just pugged wing 1 on ICC. Eventually made a pally named -babygoharder- long story. got her to capped to 80 became a prot never did legit raiding. (name never got banned too) Cata came out my lock and pally fell behind/ lost interest still capped but no gear. Mained a priest started Holy named -Holyshit- with a fancy i nammed got banned someone said try disc to I named her Discipliñê. played disc all through cata. LFR and TB was all I really did. Then made a prot warrior and be came my main up till MoP. MoP out I have a shit 90 rogue, shit 90 prot warrior gearing a holy/disc priest and have a ret pally gearing tank and maining a Frost Mage.

What is your Weakness? My weakness as for my mage, probably not getting the most out of my dps as I can. Yet it's still solid. I personally think I have too much haste it it just looks choppy. 51% haste no buffs then when I use icy veins time warp the herbalist buff and the meta legendary jacks up my haste soo much my frostbolt/frostbombs are faster than my gcd and just looks really choppy. -222% haste increase with all my cds not including spell haste buff- but other than that, I'm solid. Know all fights on normal. Fast learning for heroics. Up for any tips.

What was your favorite gaming moment? Umm, PvE wise, I don't really know.. Can't really say I was able to solo down a raid boss with just 1% left or it's a wipe. PvP wise I made a few pvp montages :) Links will be under the portion.

Extra Credit Here will be a few links of me and my stuff.
-My and my x-mog - http://tinypic.com/r/711yqf/8

-My UI/Addons- http://tinypic.com/r/ilbsyg/8

-World of Logs- Never used, here's my Armory link http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/sargeras/%C3%90eathfrost/simple

- Videos- PvP montage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0c5mRjSvcE&list=UUX30ao-CCL43QGjxBSDWLTA...

-Target Dummy DPS personal CDS/buffs- no flasks/pots- http://tinypic.com/r/2mxe4r5/8

If there's is anything else you need let me know Rusty#1215