Heor - Retribution/Protection {On Hold}

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Heor - Retribution/Protection {On Hold}

Heor, Retribution paladin-Proudmoore



A little about myself -

I am 33 years old, currently in school under a federal training program. I worked for DoD (DoA civ) for 7 years and got laid off due to budget cutbacks. Currently aside from WoW I mainly spend time with the family or try to help the wife grow her business. I don't get out of the house too much lately as I'm trying to conserve money til I finish School.

My WoW experience -

Retribution - 566 14/14 10n, 13/14 25n, 1/14 10h

I have also done pulls on protectors and norushen heroic, I understand the fights well but the group wasn't quite strong enough for it. All other heroic fights have have looked up the strats and mechanics for and will do so again before we pull them.

Protection - 563 10/14 10n

Never been asked to tank more than that. Most groups I run with don't want to lose my dps for a tank unless there is no other option.

I played pally/priest vanilla and BC, DK and DK in Wrath, passed on Cata, And currently I have my paladin and a free level 90 DK (his main purpose is to feed Heor ore).

Essentially I played with the same guild since vanilla til I transferred to Proudmoore to find better raid times. However my current guild has decided they aren't interested in continuing to raid and have put raiding on hold until WoD. I wish to continue raiding, so I am looking for a new home.

The last time I seriously PvPed was vanilla.

Weaknesses -

Never leave any weaknesses, best way to retain your innocence.

Favorite gaming moment -

This one goes to SW:TOR, in that game I played an assassin tank and at one point was probably the #1 tank on my server. The point in the class story line, where you finally get to fight and kill Darth Thanaton, I have never felt such a surge of emotion and satisfaction in a video game. It wasn't even that hard, I just liked the story telling.

Proudest WoW moment -

One day, in the long long ago, we orchestrated an epic battle between Lord Khazzak and Highlord Bolvar Fordragon. The results of which were so amazing, I dare not try to do them justice in this format.

Extra Credit -

Here's a log, this was my first time running with the group of people, the group I was running with on Proudmoore did not post logs or I would have a lot of good info for you to look at. This log, though fairly representative, has some weak point due to my unfamiliarity with strats (or some ideas on bosses that to me seemed simply inferior).

