BRF - Oregorger

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mutagen's picture
BRF - Oregorger
mutagen's picture

Green path first part

Orange part split group

meet back at purple

mutagen's picture
Some more info about his

Some more info about his pattern focusing on surviving:

In a nutshell, he moves anti-clockwise around the outer ring and clockwise in the inner ring. Even if his movement isn't predictable based on ore crates killed, there's a couple of ways to avoid him based on the above diagrams:

  1. Try to stay kitty-corner (opposite diagonal quadrant) from him on the inner square.
  2. Each corner of the inner square has a safe spot on the outer path, if he turns your way find that safe spot.

We'll get this nailed so it doesn't become a big waste of time on heroic.

mutagen's picture
I can't resist more diagrams.

I can't resist more diagrams.

This looks different from what we're doing but is supposed to be easier for the extra Mythic mechanics.

Bubbles, resists, and torrents

I pulled this off of reddit.
Absorbs work to drop the raid damage. So does active mitigation but... the raid damage won't drop below 100k on ranged, even if you immune/ fully absorb and that it doesn't take much to reduce the damage on ranged to 100k
So while I can bubble and Anvil can choose whichever of his million OP abilities, raid will take 100K minimum. Just posting for the healers so they don't decide to DPS as we drive our torrent mitigation down to zero. :)

Heh, yeah it can't drop below

Heh, yeah it can't drop below a 100k (pre ranged mitigation, it can actually get a lot lower, Seen some 60-70ks, etc) but we still get a lot in the 140k range. Bubbles will go a long way towards lowering that I think. And clearly it's better to stack a bubble on the mitigating tank (at least if we haven't gotten the damage down to 100k yet) than to try to bubble/heal the raid more.

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