Plans until Legion

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Plans until Legion

As Aanvil mentioned over in Mythic Mondays, we have had a great time raiding during Warlords of Draenor, but we have reached the current endpoint. We completed all the Heroic raids as a guild and had a good time doing Mythic raids with some friends and others. Mythics were quite successful, but we reached the point where we needed too many people for tougher content. So for now, official raiding plans are suspended until Legion.

We will definitely be back raiding in Legion, whenever that arrives, and we invite everyone to stick around or come back for it! We will have lots of fun and beat tough bosses, as we always do!

For now, I will be continuing Challenge Modes as mentioned here. I would be happy to start up a second group for those interested! Go visit that thread for more info. Other than that, I'll be around here and there, playing some Hearthstone, Diablo, Heroes of the Storm and looking forward to Overwatch.

Have a great Spring/Summer Break everyone! Thank you for being a part of Game Theory, both old friends and new friends! Make sure you come back. :D
