Plaguedipped - Destro Lock

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Plaguedipped - Destro Lock

Tell us tell us a little about yourself.

1st degree blackbelt in ITF Taekwon-do, that runs half marathons, and is a gym rat. I also do a lot of table top gaming (Infinity, 40K, Fantasy), and also am getting a tusken raider outfit going so that I can do charity work with the 501st. Oh ya I also have 2 boys 14 and 11 + a wife to keep me busy. I play wow to hanging with friends and chat people up. I am a social kinda guy.

Tell us about your WoW experience.

Apping with: Destro Lock. Been playing her since WOLK.
What other classes have you played? all classes to 100. I have guild raided with lock (destro and affliction), shaman (resto), priest (holy), and druid (resto).

When did you start playing? first day it came out. Lag blew.. I played for 2 weeks and quit to go back to EQ. Came back 6 months later when the user experience was better.

What guilds were you in? Winterborne Proudmoore Alliance, and ALF (Azzeroth Liberation front) - Cenarius Horde, Cowbell Compels You (Cenarius, Horde PVP guild I set up with friends), Lanakila (Proudmoore Alliance)

How much raiding have you done?
I didn't raid at all other than LFR in WoD as I didn't like the expansion. I used to raid a ton and I am hoping that Legion doesn't disappoint.

PVP much?
I used to be a pvp beast. Now I leave that to my 14 year old who runs circles around me. I still pvp but just battlegrounds. I hold my own but I don't shine anymore like I used to. I got to stoneguard I think on the original system.

What is your Weakness?
carbs.. I love carbs! WoW wise I grew up as a left handed mouse guy and I need to switch it to get better keyboard mouse synergy.

What was your favorite gaming moment?
getting my bard epic 1.0 in EQ back in 2001. Getting the Codex of Xerrath completed for my lock.

Extra Credit
I don't use many addons, just the basics.

Severs's picture

High recommendations for this app too! Rick is a fantastic guy and player and a good friend of mine as well. He was one of my best raiders in Wrath when I ran Winterborn.

Hey, thanks for the app. It

Hey, thanks for the app. It all looks good. With the expansion dropping Tuesday we won't be able to do the trial raid thing for a few weeks. I'd suggest we throw you an invite to the guild for starters just on severs' recommendation (severs should have authority). You'll initially be a trial member while we do the leveling thing. Once we get a few raids under our belts, if everything is a good fit, we'll promote you to raider.

Fair warning, we have a tendency to start raiding on new expansions about a week late just because we don't put in 40 hours a week gearing up.

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