Thursday reset

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Thursday reset

Hey Guys

I figured I would start a thread on Thursday to see who needs what bosses. I would love to get some of our new members some loot but I know folks need specific bosses for weapons, shields etc. I am mostly in need of rep and secrets which I can get off LFR as well as Normal but don't need much from early bosses. I mostly just want to smash some stuff. I'm happy to swap out with Aanvil or Muta on bosses but perhaps we can start a thread on which bosses you REALLY want in on. I'd love to see folks get their loot and not be subject to bad roll RNG.


AutoGun's picture
What I need:

So what I currently need:

Tier Pieces (Have Hands/Chest) for 4 piece bonus
Weapon - Council = BiS weapon for me
Head (If not Tier) - Off final boss or Twins
1 Ring - Need ring off of Magthera

Feet - Blacksmithing so just waiting on getting enough Haunted Spirits to make them.

So truly I need in on like 4-5 bosses max left in this tier. Thanks for starting this up Ardwen.

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

mutagen's picture
Upgrades in rough order of

Upgrades in rough order of usefulness:

Tier - only have gloves, legs off Ji-Kun would be particularly useful
Hat - I wouldn't mind putting a legendary meta to good use
Trinket - Still rocking the Darkmoon trinket in my second slot, Horridon or preferably Le Shen. I'd pass on the Inscribed Bag unless it was getting DE'd.
Off Hand - My other 476 item
Legs - Next Valor purchase if I don't get a drop
Ring - Second ring slot to go with Valor ring
Shoulders - work and travel have slowed my rep acquisition, Shadow Pan shoulders in a few weeks
Spirit 1H - I've got a DPS (no spirit) wand that is working well enough but wouldn't mind eventually acquiring one with spirit after our other healers have upgraded.

Farm boss upgrades:

Horridon - trinket, ring
Tortos - hat
Megaera - shoulders
Ji-Kun - Tier legs
Durumu - ring
Primordius - legs

Upgrades for me

Here are the best bosses for me:
Ji-Kun- Tier Legs
Twins - Waist, Tier Helm
Dark Anamous - Tier Chest
Iron Quon - Tier Shoulders
Lei Shen - Neck, off hand, weapon

My waist, head and pants are all behind. Waist I can get from valor but, like Muta am behind on rep due to travel and RL committments. My weapon is good so I would pass if any healer was in greater need. As for Tier I only have 1 piece so I REALLY need a second for at least my two piece.


I need tier pieces, a ring and a shield. I did get the LFR shield, so it's not ridiculous like last tier.

Skarn's picture
Guess what I need!

I like the idea of swapping people in and out for different bosses to spread loot around. We have done a bit of that, but obviously not the past two weeks due to progression. I'm hoping to take Loaffy and Malefiscent this week for some farm bosses, since they likely need the most off of them. Key to shifting people in and out is fast swaps. Clearing trash does give us some time to swap, but it will be SO helpful if the person to swap in is at the portal ready to zone in when it's time.

As for me, despite my constant (and probably annoying) cursing of weapon luck, I've otherwise been well off. I've gotten two tier pieces and both have come from Bonus Rolls, which I'm quite glad of since it gives us more tier and I don't feel like I'm taking it from anyone. :D Here's what I still need:

Trinket: Troll Council, Horridon or Lei Shen (probably in that order. Lei Shen trinket is hard to decide on.)
Tier: Ji-kun (pants), Iron Qon (shoulders) or Twin Consorts (helm). Any two!
Weapon: As you know! Three bosses have one for me, Tortos, Durumu and Iron Qon. Qon is the best, but ANY of the three would be fantastic!

Tortos/Durumu/Iron Qon - weapon
Twins/Iron Qon/Ji-kun - tier
Council/Horridon/Thunder King - trinket

Good thread Ard. I'd really like to hear what everyone needs so I can rotate people in and out.

For Science!


Gratz skarn!

Loaffy's picture

I'm behind on gear so my list is going to be hella long.
Posting pretty much straight from Ask Mr Robot....

main hand:
Iron Qon : Qon's Flaming Scimitar
Jin'rokh : Worldbreaker's Stormscythe
Primodius : Acid-Spine Bonemace
Tortos : Shellsplitter Greataxe

Off Hand:
Primodius : Greatshield of the Gloaming
Lei Shen : Ultimate Protection of the Emperor

Horridon : Puncture-Proof Greathelm
Lei Shen : Doomed Crown of Lei Shen
Twin Consorts : T15

I have best in slot

Iron Qon : T15
Primordius : Metabolically Boosted Shoulderplates

Durumu : Reinforced Mirror-Sheen Cloak
Horridon : Horn-Rimmed Doomcloak
Tortos : Beakbreaker Greatcloak
Primodius : Hydra-Scale Bloodcloak

Dark Animus : T15

Durumu : Caustic Spike Bracers
Jin'rokh : Bracers of Constant Implosion
Tortos : Shell-Coated Wristplates

Council : T15

Megaera : Plated Toothbreaker Girdle
Jin'rokh : Cloadbreaker Greatbelt

Ji-Kun : T15
Primodius : Black Blood Legplates
Durumu : Legplates of the Dark Parasite
Horridon : Bloodlord's Bloodsoaked Legplates

Durumu : Treads of the Blind Eye

Durumu : Durumu's Severed Tentacle
Jin'rokh : Jin'rokh's Soulcrystal
Primordius : Band of the Scaled Tyrant

Lei Shen : Soul Barrier

So to speed this up

Jin'rokh Weapon, Wrist, Waist, & Ring
Horridon Head, Back, & Leggs
Council Hands(T15)
Tortos Weapon, Back, & Wrist
Megaera Waist
Ji-Kun Leggs(T15)
Durumu Back, Wrist, Leggs, Feet, & Ring
Primordius Weapon, Shield, Shoulder, Back, Leggs, & Ring
Dark Animus Chest(T15)
Iron Qon Weapon, & Shoulder(T15),
Twin Consorts Head(T15)
Lei Shen Shield, Head, & Trinket

The 2 and 4 piece bonuses for T15 Prot warriors are way too good to pass up over same ilvl gear

Loaffy lvl 100 Warrior
Aristodemus lvl 100 Pally
Mushak lvl 100 Monk
Ímpatient lvl 100 Druid
Tells lvl 90 Priest
Tellos lvl 90 Shammy
Vonnegut lvl 90 Warlock
Bãcksurgeon lvl 91 Rogue
Merrelleyla lvl 94Hunter

I'm tired of lvling alts!

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