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If you don't have this add on... please get it! There is NO way you will EVER stand in crap again or your ears will bleed. We had way too many deaths to standing in stuff last night and this will REALLY help.

This add-on makes my top 5

This add-on makes my top 5 list for sure. As a tank it's a must have, for everyone else I am sure it would be equally useful. There is usually so much crap on the ground and chaos all around that often I just flat out cant see the bad stuff at my feet. The blazing noise coming out of my speakers makes sure I know its time to move...

If you don't have it get it!!!


AutoGun's picture
Never Heard of it...

I haven't heard of this one but will look into it!

I have to agree with you Kul as tank or even Melee DPS when you only have a small site box this would really help!

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

Loaffy's picture

When I downloaded this mod I was thinking it had a visual queue to it as well, but it does make very obnoxious noises, when you stand in any AoE. Some like frieght trian horns, to police sirens. I haven't dabble with changing the default setup, so i may be missing somethings.

Loaffy lvl 100 Warrior
Aristodemus lvl 100 Pally
Mushak lvl 100 Monk
Ímpatient lvl 100 Druid
Tells lvl 90 Priest
Tellos lvl 90 Shammy
Vonnegut lvl 90 Warlock
Bãcksurgeon lvl 91 Rogue
Merrelleyla lvl 94Hunter

I'm tired of lvling alts!

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