Hobugz--Mistweaver Monk {Accepted}

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Hobugz--Mistweaver Monk {Accepted}

Little about myself my name is Gary or Hobug which is rl nickname my wife stuck me with a few years back. I am a 36 yr old guy married for 17 years now with teenage son. I live not too far from Dallas,Tx and have been working for S.A.S Global Power for the past 18 years and Manage their robotic hardfacing division which has allowed me to travel and see alot of the world. My Tuesday and Wednesday nights are pretty full Tuesday is league bowling with the wife and Wednesday is softball.

My WoW history pretty much consist of i guess around 5 years ago my brother in law managed to get me started playing this game. He and his family and friends had an established guild Texas Mercenaries on Doomhammer small and casual but enough people to raid and clear content on a one night four hour a week raid schedule. After the Lich King most of the guild quit playing and i was given the GM position of the guild and thru Cata managed to keep things going clearing content and such. The start of MoP we ran a few weeks and most people that were left began to stop playing and i just did'nt have the time or energy to refill the roster about 4 months ago my last officer stopped playing so i switched from my Tree to a Monk and set out looking for a new home.

I transfered to Proudmoore 2 days ago because the Doomhammer population seems to be dying off several doomhammer guilds have moved here already IQ and Phoenix Resurrection being a couple of them. I spent yesterday picking apart the guilds on wow progress the 2 main things i was looking for was guilds with a longstanding history and most importantly was the raid schedule days and times to make sure it would fit for me as with my old guild when we were going strong my attendance was near 100 percent.

Im sure my app looks a little sloppy as its a first for me, but thanks for taking a look and any consideration for joining.

Armory Link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/proudmoore/Hobugz/simple

Skarn's picture

Hello, Hobugz! Nice to see your app. I saw you whispered me last night. I apologize for missing it! I was AFK eating my dinner at the time. :)

As you are probably aware by now, we are indeed looking to add a healer or two so you have great timing! Your gear looks to be in good shape, though your experience is a bit behind. That's ok, we'll find out pretty fast if you can handle it. ;) Your Tuesday and Wednesday being full is just fine. As you should have seen, we raid on Monday and Thursday from 8:30-11:30 PST. Will you be able to attend those raid times?

We currently have a Disc priest and a Mistweaver healing for us, with a Resto Shaman who fills in when needed. I'm a tiny bit curious about two Mistweavers healing together and if that's good, bad or neither, but I'm certainly willing to try it and see how it goes!

I'm sorry to hear about the old guild dying off, that's rough times. Some of our other raiders have come from similar pasts, myself included. Proudmoore is a great server with a lot going on, so I hope you'll find a home here! You should be able to access the Raid Calendar up at the top of the page there. Go ahead and sign up for the next couple raids. We'll get you in and test you out before the next patch hits.

For Science!

Signed up and yea the days

Signed up and yea the days and times you guys raid are really good for me.

AutoGun's picture
Nice to meet you!

Nice to see others that migrate to this great server. I did the same from Silvermoon many years ago and found a great home in Game Theory! I love the raid times as being in the MT Time zone they are nice for us that like raiding later after the day is done! Hope to see you in the next raids and I look forward to seeing your abilities!

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!


Thanks and looking forward to getting back into the full swing of things

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