Siege - Galakras

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Siege - Galakras

Icy Veins

Not much to add other than the link. Our first run at this last night went incredibly well, almost got to phase 2 with just two tries. We need to figure out what works for getting Bonecrushers off of the faction leaders. We do need them to live! Death Grip and stuns seem to work. I wonder if CC or things like Scatter Shot work.

Possible positioning for Galakras...

I have a great MS paint sketch for some positioning based on some information I've been able to glean about how Galakras' fireball mechanic works... but I can't post it from work.

A maximum of 5 people can soak a single fireball and 3 fireballs are cast in between the 30s pulses of Pulsing Flames, allowing at least one of the groups to drop their stacks of the debuff automatically, as it lasts 15s.

So, by dividing the healers & dps up into 2 groups of 4 at each of Galakra's hind legs we can minimize the damage dealt by the fireball and remove stacks of the debuff without the need to reposition. In this situation, only the person with the debuff would have to back up a step or two. This also allows a single healing rain or similar AoE heal to hit both groups. Seems like a win-win situation.

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