Raid Schedule: Thursday, November 29 - Elegon!

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Skarn's picture
Raid Schedule: Thursday, November 29 - Elegon!

While talking with a couple raid members last night, it was suggested that we extend the raid lockout on Vaults this week. I like the idea and think we should do it.

The reason is to get real time to work on Elegon. We have made some progress on him each night we've tried, but we haven't had much time and it's always been late at night when people are tired. By extending, we can start at Elegon and have real time to work out the kinks with awake raiders. We're already pretty close, we need to work on the transition from Stage 3 back into Stage 1, but otherwise the fight is looking good. We need people to NOT fall through the floor too. ;)

This does mean that we skip out on the first four bosses, but the progress on Elegon and then Will of the Emperor is likely more valuable than the few gear pieces we might get. We also may very well skip Heart of Fear this week to see if we can completely clear Vaults. We'll decide that on Thursday though.

Of course, if the whole raid is drastically against this idea we won't do it, but I do think it's a great idea for us to really progress here.

Extended lock out

I like that idea a lot! Lets kill that starry thing!

AutoGun's picture

I am for extending and killing Elagon personally and starting on the Will because we have to start completing these as we have 3 different instances and we haven't made progress through any major one save lets get on these before they pass us on by!

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

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