Guild Bank and Repairs

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Skarn's picture
Guild Bank and Repairs

The Guild Bank is running short on gold. We've used up most of what was generously donated by Shieldshock back during Cataclysm. :)

In light of this, I've turned off Guild Repairs. I'll turn them on for raids, but for normal questing and so on, repair costs are up to you! This will prolong what we have left.

When we run out? We just won't have any more Guild Repairs! We don't use the Bank for much else. If anyone is interested in selling stuff to fund the Bank, let me know. It's not a priority though. Only if you really like playing the Auction House. :)

But what about Auto? Will he

But what about Auto? Will he even be able to do dailies?

Skarn's picture
Death is Unstoppable?

He's dying a little bit less! ...I think...

Actually, if the guild would prefer, I can leave repairs open. We'll probably burn through the rest of our gold pretty fast though. I figured we'd save it for raids since that was a guild activity.

I'm open to suggestions and opinions, of course. :)

For Science!

Just put in a lower cap then?

we should also sell mats that are just sitting....

Skarn's picture

We could. 100g per day would theoretically run out faster than 300g per raid. Less overhead for me though. :D Entirely likely that not everyone would use 100g per day. Also possible that some would use it 2-3 times for alts, which is fine if that's the route we go. Might do 300g for tonight then flip it to 100g always for awhile.

Selling mats is fine if anyone wants to take care of that.

For Science!

AutoGun's picture
Keep it for Raids

Honestly just keep the money for raids and move on from there. I haven't died no where near how bad it was when Timeless isle first came out. Between my gears/buffs I stay alive like no ones business (also dont fight Kilnmaster anymore...)!

Of course we get gold for every quest that we do but only a small portion so really we won't be upping the money input until next expac when we are leveling tons again and doing quests!

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

mutagen's picture
I'd love for the guild bank

I'd love for the guild bank money to be for fun stuff or to accelerate progression. For some people that might mean repairs and not having to worry about keeping gold coming in from other sources. Others might rather have gear, consumable, better funding for enchants, gems and such.

I'll get a separate bank alt into the guild and start trying to move some items for cash.

Selling Stuff

I had some luck selling stuff the last few days and added about 10k into the guild bank. That should last us a week :). There should be more on the way.

That said, I propose that we should agree to sell any BoE pets that drop on the raid bosses. Not what you win with your own roll, but actually ON the dead boss. Those things are worth a lot of gold and only a few of us actually collect them.

mutagen's picture
I like that idea. :)

I like that idea. :)

I like pets too :(

But yeah, the greedy goblin in me says sell everything!

I'd rather have pets/mounts

I'd rather have pets/mounts vs selling them.. gold isn't as much fun as those items and enrich the fun aspect of the game.

AutoGun's picture
Have to Agree

I would rather have the pet/mount then sell it personally as well because at the end of the day if we dont have any money in the guild bank then it is like the old days where we all had to come prepared with money to repair especially on wipe nights....rather be responsible for myself then have to sell things people like/use.

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!


Keep that stuff for the folks that kill it. Mostly that why the majority of us play.. to collect totally worthless pixels that look cool!

worthless pixel gold isn't nearly as fun!

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