Post-Thanksgiving Raids

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Skarn's picture
Post-Thanksgiving Raids

For tomorrow's raid, Monday, December 2nd, I will be out. I'll be at the Seahawks/Saints game, hopefully not freezing. :) Feel free to do what you want! Go after Garrosh, do a fresh run, do a Flex, up to you!

For Thursday, we have two options. Extend Swipe's lockout and go straight to Garrosh or extend mine and do Thok/Blackfuse/Paragons. I think we should do the three before Garrosh. Each one is a tier boss and shouldn't take more than 60-90 minutes total. Should still have good time that night for Garrosh too.

Then, if he's still alive for Monday, we'll obviously go straight to him. If he's dead, yay! We can do Flex for achievements for the drake.

mutagen's picture
I'm not home until 9:30 or so

I'm not home until 9:30 or so and will be happy enough to just log in and say hi unless one of you fine people get something organized and need mutagen in the raid.

Thursday I wouldn't mind clearing the three, I'd like to get cleaner kills and get some of tier into the raid.


Looks like I don't need to rush home from practice.

AutoGun's picture
Not going to rush on then...

Since we not doing anything by the sounds of it I will probably be on later as playing Wartunes my other game I been playing since we not raiding. Cya Thursday.

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!


I would be fine waiting till Thursday still pretty worn out from holiday and all day travel yesterday

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