Summer Raiding Plans

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Skarn's picture
Summer Raiding Plans

What are your plans for the Summer?

Mine? I'm taking a break.

Siege of Orgrimmar is a good raid. It has been fun and interesting to run, but it was released on September 10, 2013. Nine months ago. That's kinda crazy to think about! (Reference: Mogu'shan/Heart of Fear/Terrace was about 4-5 months and Throne of Thunder was 6.) On top of that, the Summer means lower raid attendance due to vacations and so forth. I'm tired of trying to fill raids. All of this means that I'm just not looking forward to raids these days. So, it's break time for me!

It has been absolutely a blast raiding with everyone. Playing with each of you is what has kept me raiding, probably longer than I should have. :) I intend to raid during Warlords of Draenor (which might show up in 4-6 months), but for the moment I want to stay out of the raid planning business. I may be online in WoW here and there, I've still got Loremaster to finish! Other than that, I'll keep playing Hearthstone and maybe some Diablo. I'm up for Heroes of the Storm games too, if anyone has access! Yeah, I'll probably tinker with WildStar a bit too.

What does that mean for the Guild? The Guild is welcome to continue raiding as long as it wants. Otherwise, we shall see what Draenor holds!

Thank you all, keep in touch! :)


I am kinda burnt out on SoO as well. I did however buy the digital WoD last week and boosted a shadow priest to 90 so that's is keeping me fairly entertained lately


I'm so swamped with work right now it's a real challenge to get home in time for raiding. So, I'll likely be taking a WoW raiding break as well.

I'm all ready set up for WoD so I'll be there ready to tackle the new content as soon as it's released!

I'll still be popping online a lot, leveling with my girlfriend and whatnot. Say hi and don't be strangers!

Luvalot's picture
I'm feeling burned out on SoO

I'm feeling burned out on SoO as well, so no complaints from me. I'll still be around here and there and I'll be back to raiding in the expansion too, of course.

Everyone have a nice summer.

Yay! break time. I was just

Yay! break time. I was just logging in to say that I can't make tonight's raid because of work. I have ZERO interest in grinding out valor for more upgrades. I'll probably be playing some hearthstone and taking my kids to swimming lessons.


Yep Yep

Back for WoD. Cheers and enjoy your summer everyone!

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