Bleyne the boomkin returns

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Bleyne the boomkin returns

Hey kids,
I dunno if anyone remembers moi. I was in the guild t4-t7. I definitely recognize some names for sure. I just picked the game back up and for whatever reason am really enjoying it.
I don't know if I'll raid in wod or if you're in the market for a boomkin. But even if I'm just chilling I'd rather do it in gt if that's an option.
Thanks, Hope to hear from ya,

Hey Bleyne

I'm probably not one of the names you recognize, but it looks like I'm the first person to stop by since you posted. We're taking a break from raiding for the Summer and will probably start up again shortly before or when the new expansion drops. People aren't online a ton lately, but that will change when there is new content.

WoD is also going to change raiding a bit to allow for flexible raid sizes, up until "mythic" level, which requires 20 raiders. We currently don't have a boomkin, so if you want to put in the time for raiding, that should be a strong option.

Welcome back!

You can find me playing Hearthstone if you add a battletag friend Aanvil#1385.

Skarn's picture

I doubt I'm a name you recognize either, but nice to hear from you! Aanvil filled you in on all the current details. Not much is going on in-game right now, but we'll be back at it whenever Warlords releases. We'd be happy to have you along.

For Science!

AutoGun's picture

Now that is a name I recognize! How ya been?? Hope life is treating you good (and why not since you are back in WoW!). I am taking a break from raiding until WoD but will be back and ready for that whenver it comes out...hehe.

We are always in the lookout for good players and I know you were one of them back in the day. With the new raiding system we can take up to I believe 20 people and the raid "flexs" depending on how many people you bring so we will always have room for more people!

I look forward to playing with ya when I return for WoD! Cya then!

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

mutagen's picture
Bleyne, great to hear from

Bleyne, great to hear from you! If you're not still in the guild we'll be sure to get you an invite.

MoP is fun, IMO Blizzard is finally finding their stride on these expansions, though there's always something for someone to complain about.

Whatever you'd like to do in WoW you're welcome to keep doing it in GT. As everyone else has mentioned, Blizzard has some nice scaling options for raids to make rostering much easier and there's more stuff than ever before for casual and time limited play options.


that's awesome, thanks a lot. if someone's online just toss me an invite. Love to hang out with everyone again.

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