Does your guild need more Honour?

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Does your guild need more Honour?

Honour - level 100 Priest - looking for a new home with some fun people

Tell us tell us a little about yourself.

Howdy! A little bit about me, well here we go.

In life outside of WoW I am married to Lairiel (lvl 100 pain in the butt) and have 2 boys. Our oldest is 3.5 and our youngest is turning 1 in a week. I am currently on maternity leave, but will be heading back to work later this month. I work full time as an Administrator at a College, and then full time running our home when I'm not at work. My favourite part of my day is my commute to and from work, where it's just me and the radio, and nobody wants anything or is touching me and I can sing as loud as I want. Currently I'm making every effort to raid, because I love raiding and learning encounters, but the reality is when I go back to work I'll have to seriously step back from WoW for a while until I can find a new balance of how to get everything done.

Tell us about your WoW experience.

Honour is a level 100 Priest with 2 healing specs. Currently she's got a Disc and Holy spec. I levelled her from 1 - 60 strictly shadow, then got a healing spec from 60 - 90 to accompany the shadow. She was levelled in shadow and then used to heal raids. From 90 - 100 she's been strictly healing and I no longer even have a shadow spec.

Honour was originally my alt. I started playing WoW on release day over 10 years ago. Originally I was a rogue, and eventually was the guild leader of our guild. I used to hide on Honour to get a break from the demands of leading a guild. Also to melt faces. However during Lich King I just sort of didn't like my rogue anymore and switched mains. Now my rogue is cool again, but I still really like the challenge of healing a raid, so Honour remains my main and Cally (my rogue) is where run around picking pockets and stabbing for fun.

I've been in Etherium Guard, then Winterborn, then most recently Nox Invictus. Because life is so busy outside of WoW I tend to use WoW as a fun thing to do. I've always been in guilds where people are nice or I've got friends. Optimally both. I've raided a LOT. We raided our way through Vanilla, BC, then I took a nice long break. Came back and did Lich King, didn't raid at all in Panda (I wouldn't leave my farm!), and now I've been raiding with EG and GT through Draenor. I really enjoy raiding, especially with competent people who actually try and listen and don't automatically blame me for wipes. If it's my fault I'll tell you, trust me. Otherwise stop standing in crap and expecting to be healed through it.

I'm allergic to PVP.

What is your Weakness?

I struggle with fast casting. I don't show well enough on the meters imo (if you're a meter junky) because I just don't cast fast enough sometimes. I am a good, solid player who's always trying harder, but sometimes I'm just not quick enough. I'm good at thinking on my feet, and have done some "creating ass saving" many times in raids, but I am still working on getting faster at the basic rotation type casting stuff.

I'm also still working on seeing everything AND moving AND casting AND well just everything. I can always improve. This game keeps me on my toes that way.

What was your favorite gaming moment?

I've been a "gamer" since birth. Seriously, my mom just sent me an old photo of me at like 3 years old playing Space Invaders on my Commodore Vic 20.

It's hard to pick really. I used to love playing Formula 1 racer with my dad on the old NES, because we could play together. I used to love playing Harvest Moon on my Game Cube because it was cute and I could take care of a farm (Side note: LOVE the Garrison and Panda farm). I loved when I finally got my duck stick epic in Everquest (Dark Elf Necro FTW!!!!), that took FOREVER and it was stupid hard to do and I was really proud of myself. My favourite WoW memory was back in Vanilla our guild all rallied and bought me an epic mount, then presented it to me in a ceremony in IronForge. I was all teared up, it was SO nice of them. I used to set up a fire in the corner and sit there recruiting or answering tells or doing general guild stuff, and members would come and chill with me around the fire.

PS: We are raising little gamers too! Our oldest has a level 9 orc warrior called Hulkksmash and likes to run around telling you what to kill. He's also a good raid observer. He was sitting on Lair's lap while Lair was doing LFR one day. Suddenly I hear this little voice "Daddy, why are they standing in the fire? They shouldn't stand in that fire, it will hurt them. Tell them to move". Even our kid knows not to stand in ground effect. Genius.

Extra Credit

I suck at linking stuff. The only add-ons I use are Auctioneer, DBM, Skada, and something to help manage my missions. I'm a base UI kind of girl for playing, and it works just fine for me. As for my raid performance? I hold my own :) I'm sure Lair, who is a total raid log junky, could link you my performances. Me however? Not my jam.



You are one of my favorite healers (along with all of the other healers In GT)

Hey! fantastic.

Hey! fantastic.

Skarn's picture


Mostly because of your kid. Smart kid.

For Science!

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