THE rising of affliction Warlock

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THE rising of affliction Warlock

1´m 20 years old, i study to become biochemical engineer , i´m also learning german and thats all i do at the moment

-my wow experience started in WOTLK and finished starting MOP because i had to study and work in that momento but i started again 4-6 months beofre Draenor and i always loved wow since warcraft 3 but i never played it ultil later bacause i though it was terrible... i had never been so wrong

-it´s ahrd to me to know my weakness sometimes i never notice it so i try my best in the thing that people point at me that i´m doing wrong, like the spec i´m using, rotacion or talents.

-My favorite moment was on warcraft 3 when i finished it on ahrd mode also the expansion i felt like a pro player ahhaha and i was like 14 or 13 years old

-i´m not that guy.

Guten tag! Haben Sie eine

Guten tag! Haben Sie eine Wowprotokoll von einer aktuellen Raid? :)

Hey, thanks for the app. If

Hey, thanks for the app. If I remember German from college, I think Sanzaru is asking about this recent Verve raid log. I'm also linking your armory here. Would you mind telling us why you want to leave Verve and how you found Game Theory? I look forward to talking to you in game.



Suddenly, a guild requirement

Suddenly, a guild requirement that all tanks can read/write German has sprung into existence. This could end up hilarious if we confuse things like silber and gelb on bosses like trains. :D

Yep, those logs were what I was looking for.

Guten abend

the reason beacuse i´m leaving verve is beacuse i´m not longer a resto healer and there is no spot for my warlock, therefor i was looking for a similar guild in wowprogress where i found game theory. i don´t have the log beacause i haven´t raid with them for 2 weeks now :c.

PS: my german is not that good.(still learning!). aber ich verstande dir

Ich bin ein donut!

Ich bin ein donut!


soo donut, is there an answer!?

Skarn's picture
Not yet

Honestly, I've been busy over the last two days, and I assume the others have been too. We haven't talked about it. I understand the limbo and I apologize for that. We will get back to you. :)

For Science!


no problem!, take yar time

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