Do you have a Set?

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Skarn's picture
Do you have a Set?

The topic is pretty simple:

How many set pieces do you have? Do you have a 4-piece? 2-piece? 0 or 1 or 3? Or even all 5!

We're trying to figure out how many pieces we are missing and what bosses would be most beneficial to farm for them. So a quick post would help out, thanks!

Skarn's picture

For myself, I'm sporting a 4-piece set. Heroic on all pieces. Missing the Heroic Helm, but it's not needed.

For Science!

4 as well

I have a 4-piece heroic set as well, however i've noticed my 4 piece bonus is a big pile-o-poop...

Both Honour and I have our

Both Honour and I have our set, but I'm missing Heroic head, and she's missing Heroic Hands.

I am wearing 3 pieces. I

I am wearing 3 pieces. I have a normal head in my bags (vs a warforged with a socket off-set that I wear.) and a crafted chest. So for me, flamebender and korog. I could also use the trinket off of blast furnace.


I have 4pc and I'm currently wearing 691 Warforged for my chest.

Diz has 670 normal mode pants and helm - so he would have to drop 30 ilvls to get the 4pc.

670 legs, 685 chest

670 legs, 685 chest, 670 trinkets

RDruids do not need 4 pieces at all.

mutagen's picture
4pc at 685, rolling greed for

4pc at 685, rolling greed for a chance at warforged. Wouldn't mind picking up 685 Conq legs for some slight gearing flexibility but isn't a priority.

Serelyn's picture
I have all 5 tier pieces,

I have all 5 tier pieces, chest and legs are both normal 670.

I have a proper 685 4pc but

I have a proper 685 4pc but wouldn't mind getting the legs. That would let me swap out my hat for a 691 piece. Don't go out of the way on my account. I'd rather work on Blackhand more.

As for that trinket from Blast Furnace... >.<

Severs's picture
I have 5 pieces, 685 ilvl.

I have 5 pieces, 685 ilvl. The only upgrades for me are warforged, and the DPS trinket off Blackhand. Happy to kill whatever folks need, and also happy to keep plugging away at Blackhand. =)

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