Personal Loot?

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Skarn's picture
Personal Loot?

This is a question I don't have an answer to yet, but would like some input. I like the feel of Master Loot better, but Personal Loot can give more loot overall. We've gotten 3 set pieces on some bosses with Personal, when we'd only have gotten one with Master Loot.

We could also switch to Master Loot on bosses that have mostly been farmed, in order to give out the loot that does drop to the ones that need it. When is that break point?

Anyway, please post any thoughts you have, otherwise, I'll just do whatever I feel like. ;)

Severs's picture
I'm frustrated with personal

I'm frustrated with personal loot, as it (anecdotal I know) seems to reward only gold more often than not. (9 seals used, 8 of which gave me gold, and then each time I've used a seal, the boss has also seen fit to give me gold). =(

That said, whatever is in the best interest of the raid and the guild is fine with me. My concern is only in lagging behind and becoming a hindrance to progression.

I'd suggest doing personal

I'd suggest doing personal loot on bosses where everyone needs loot, so wastage isn't a concern, but group loot on farm bosses where only some people need loot, so we can direct it to them. I think we all need loot from heroics and Archimonde, but otherwise we could probably do well with group loot on the other normal modes to make sure we aren't wasting it.

I think chances of getting

I think chances of getting something useful with raid loot out of normal are much higher with our current state of gear.
Anecdotal evidence but - out of last 3 items I got from personal loot I disenchant all three.

Definitely in favour of

Definitely in favour of Master, especially on "Farm" bosses. Were to the point, especially for tier, where most of the raid has theirs, and only a few people are missing pieces. On personal it could take forever to finish (literally), while master might give overall fewer rewards, we can give them where they are needed.

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