Fel lord Zakuun

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Fel lord Zakuun

Clean (well, almost, don't know why they choose to tank boss at grommash at p1, doesn't make sense for me) kill showcase.

Why stacking on p1 matter:
a. easy to avoid all waves all together (all ranged move to the same side once waves are spawned - profit).
b. easy to deal with "Befouled" debuff (just move away from group). Btw we completely ignore this
c. easy to avoid wave/pillars collisions (don't stand between pillars and boss)
Why it doesn't:
it's not that deadly as on mythic with our gear so...meh

What we can improve:
1. p2 positioning
a. we stack all together (ranged and tanks). I died at least twice from "heavy handed", and I didn't move.

In all kill videos tanks are in front of the boss, melee at the back, and ranged at the side (on in separate group).

This also helps to "protect" pillars fro waves from seeds (one is protected by melee group, another one by tank, last one by dedicated ranged player).

b. ranged are too close to pilars. Hard to run away for seeds, waves spawns to close to pillars

Basically i'm proposing for ranged not to group up with tanks/melee.

2. No dedicated 'soaker' for waves from seeds in p2.
a. Who should I propose? Hm...hunters maybe?

There are also some learning issues but that's fine.

And one more thing.

And one more thing.
I will be much easier if we start using

What do you think about it?

Skarn and I talked about this

Skarn and I talked about this a bit after raid. I think one of the keys is for the people who are going to soak waves to be in position to do that BEFORE the waves come. How does the befouled debuff work?

We need to know who exactly

We need to know who exactly will soak seed waves(and backup). You know, the one to be blamed...
Usually it is ranged with strong and yet short personal CD. Like hunters:)
How they will do that is up to them.

"Befouled Icon Befouled is an ability that Fel Lord Zakuun regularly targets a random raid member with. It places a healing absorption shield on the target, which absorbs a modest amount of healing. When the affected raid member has received enough healing for the shield to fade, a Foul Explosion is triggered."

Foul Explosion do ~180K damage to everyone in 6 yards

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