Raiding and Achievements

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Raiding and Achievements

Current Plan:

Monday, February 22: Mythic Blackrock Foundry

Let's jump right to it. We've conquered Heroic Hellfire Citadel. Heroic Archimonde is still a challenge, but we can get him every time. We're not likely to do Mythic HFC, so the question is obvious: what now?

Aanvil has already posted about Mythic Highmaul, which is a great idea! I'm all for it.

The other thing I'd like to do, which we've started, is some meta achievement runs. Specifically, Blackrock Foundry and Highmaul for Draenor. In Pandaria, Mogu'shan Vaults, Heart of Fear and the Throne of Thunder. Could even hit up Icecrown Citadel, I need a couple there that required a healer! Of course, we can also do any over that people have missed. Hellfire Citadel or Siege of Orgrimmar for instance. Overall, this shouldn't actually take long. Most of those can be done in a single night each. Vaults and HoF are probably one night total.

Important for this is making sure everyone that wants the achievements has an opportunity, so we might have to do some/all of these twice. The really bad achievements, like Ashes, Ashes, we can schedule for a good night so we only need to do it once! So please let us know what runs you'd like to be involved in. If you don't care much, that's ok too! But please don't worry about "putting us out" or anything, we want everyone to have an opportunity that wants one!

Also of note is that I'd like to get the Draenor Dungeon meta too, but that only takes 5 people so I'll probably set that up for a Tuesday or Wednesday.

Anyway, feel free to post here about anything you'd like to do between now and Legion (which is a good chunk of time yet).

I think this is a lovely plan

I think this is a lovely plan!

Skarn's picture

Updated a bit. On Monday we'll hit Highmaul and Throne of Thunder, if there is time.
Thursday we'll do Throne of Thunder.

I've got to head to work early every day next week, so I'll be ducking out early, about 10:30 both of these two raid nights.

For Science!

Heard back from Blizzard

Heard back from Blizzard support and it looks like I'll have to give "the iron price" a go again as they can't credit it to me.

Skarn's picture

We shall have to go back then! Maybe first thing Thursday. It'd just be Gruul and the Beastlord. Then could head to Throne of Thunder.

For Science!

Skarn's picture
Anything else?

This has been a fun and productive few weeks! We've hit pretty much everything I wanted to, with Mythic Foundry coming up on Monday. I'm running out of things to do! So the question goes to all of you:

What do you want to do? Is there some achievements you still want to do? Bosses you want to beat up?

If there is something you want to get done, let me know and we can plan something out!

For Science!

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