Prot pally/disc priest LF guild

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Prot pally/disc priest LF guild

Hello I am friends with Fearis who is in the guild. We used to be in the same guild from BC to WoTLK. after that i transfered my toons to cenarius horde side. played for awhile then had to quit because I was building my house...I really mean "I" was building my house. Now we have been in the house for almost two years and I have ventured back toward WoW in anticipation for the new xpac!

I tanked through BC and WoTLK, then Switched to DPS (Priest and Mage) when I switched servers. I am looking for a tanking (Pally) or healing (priest) spot.

PST Permetheus or Solseir on Proudmoore if you want to chat me up!

Shane Tipper

Skarn's picture


Nice to hear from you! More tanks and healers is always a nice thing to have! As a tank, you'd probably need a DPS spec since we currently have two main tanks. You'd get some turns, but it wouldn't be EVERY night. Healer is more likely to get consistent play as that spec, but a DPS off-spec would be very useful. We don't have a particular class preference at the moment.

We could probably have you join up with the guild for the leveling and gearing process and see how things go. :)

For Science!

Sounds great!

Sounds great!

Severs's picture

I heartily recommend this applicant. He's an old friend and guildie and a fantastic person. Oh and a great pally too.

All pallies are great. 'nuff

All pallies are great. 'nuff said.

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