Warcraft Logs Help

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Warcraft Logs Help

So I ran with my pet on Ferocity last night to try and gauge the difference in Hunting Companion Procs. But turns out I can't seem to figure out how to get them to display in the logs >_

Can anyone with more experience with it figure this out? Or is just not in the raw data at all?

I will try tonight. I should

I will try tonight. I should compare yesterday vs last week?

Yeah pretty much. The

Yeah pretty much. The "accepted wisdom" Is that survival should run a tenacity pet, since thunder stomp procs Hunting Companion, which might be a wash vs a single target but against multiple targets can easily go off three times in a split second and provide a nice boost.

But I usually question the accepted wisdom just in general, and particularly in this case as survival seems very under tested, and under utilized at the moment.

Ferocity should improve the actual Pet damage, and if the prevailing wisdom is accurate, produce fewer hunting companion procs leading to an overall reduction from Mongoose Strike. But without counting the procs it's hard to judge.

If ferocity improves things it would make aspect of the beast an option (though I'm about 99% certain it would be inferior to improved traps, it's worth testing to be sure)

Dysphoric's picture
I was only able to find the

I was only able to find the total number of casts of mongoose bites which I think is the proc you get. I think that is going to be the closest you are going to get.

1. Click on you
2. Click on damage done
3. On the right side click on Pets

Just as an example on the normal kill of ursoc this week you had 40 moongoose bites but last week you only had 34. Interesting thing though is this week 5 of your bites were blocked and last week none were...is that because of the ferocity or just a weird anomaly. Fight length was a little longer one of the nights but you were alive to the end on both fights.

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