Laziel - Enh Shaman

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Laziel - Enh Shaman

Tell us tell us a little about yourself.

27 years old Asian. Owning/Working at a family restaurant. My other hobbies beside video game are collecting many nerdy stuffs like katanas, wands, and lightsaber replica. I dont get offended so easily and can take most humors/jokes. I dislike carrying and being carried in MMO through out the contents. I find the game is most fun when everyone is at their best or par with one another when clearing each content.

Tell us about your WoW experience.

Started since the beginning of BC. I was a hardcore raider back then on Runetotem (4 hours a day. 5 days a week) as an Enh shaman. I was one of the best enh shamans on that server for the time then I felt like the game wasnt as fun anymore plus the hardcore raiding guild called it a quit so I steped down from being a serious raider. While i don't put my time as much as 10 years ago into this game, I like to keep up with the new content and strive myself to be on top dps while not mess up the game mech.

What is your Weakness?

Personally, I know my class very and beside class weaknesses, and catching up with gears and weapon artifact (havent log on since Nov.), I don't think there is much that I am struggling with at the moment. This, of course, will change as the new content and hotfix/changes with the class. There is always a room to improve even if I dont find any issue playing my class. Every bit of movement, position where to stand, the usage of CD and consumable will make a different in each fight.

What was your favorite gaming moment?

Back in BC when my guild was one of 3 guilds on the server that downed Kaelthas and Vashj before Blizzard took away the attunement. Runetotem is a very small server.

Extra Credit

This is like the last full raid I did.

Played and raided with Laz in

Played and raided with Laz in the last xpac. He is a good guy who really knows his class and always likes to help out other people who are interested in getting better or who have questions. He likes the challenges of the game but can also laugh at the silly mistakes (within reason). He is a very take it or leave it kind of guy who doesn't get caught up in drama. Overall a great guy and I think would be a good fit!

Here's a test question for

Here's a test question for him: Would he laugh or pull anyway if the tank bubblerez^H^H^Hhearths in the middle of a timed run? :O

Hey Laziel,

Hey Laziel,

Everything in your application looks really good. I don't know if you'll be able to top the dps charts with us, but you might get close, and of course we trust Cyriene's recommendation. I think it would be great for you to come along on a few trial raids. Because we raid on Thursdays and Mondays, tonight is the first night of our raid week. I believe we will be doing Heroic Trial of Valor. Skarn is the raid leader and invitations are his call to make, but if you can be online tonight, please make sure you review the changes from normal to heroic Helya.

Skarn's picture

Laziel, it'd be great to get you in tonight on our Heroic Trial of Valor run. Odyn likes to test people after all!

For Science!

Well Clearly I'm opposed for

Well Clearly I'm opposed for totally legit reasons and not at all cause his name is too close to mine *halo*

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