For everyone except Skarn

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For everyone except Skarn

(because Skarn both knows this and has forgotten this)

I'll show up to raid about 9pm tonight. Boy Scouts "new parent orientation" ... apparently they want to make sure that the new boys know how to deal with camping in the woods.

My kid chases off coyotes with nerf guns. If only that was an approved exemption.

Dysphoric's picture
You need to get your kid the

You need to get your kid the off brand nerf ammo with the hard tips so that when he makes contact the coyote will know it and maybe stay away for awhile. Then you mod his gun like my teen does his so that they shoot stupid long distances with accuracy and he might get the coyotes to stay away ;-)

He's fired a mosin and hit a

He's fired a mosin and hit a target at 300' too. We don't do airsoft.

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