Grelt cheese

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Grelt cheese

Greetings game theorists!
I had a great time raiding Uldir with you all last night (that weird melee healer monk), so I'm hoping to join the GTG family.

Tell us tell us a little about yourself.

I've been a game programmer for about 20 years, currently slaving away at a hot desk for Amazon Game Studios. When I'm not WoWing or working, I'm watching movies (that's "fillums" to you Irish out there) in my home theater trying to deafen myself with genuine Atmos sound.

Tell us about your WoW experience.
I started playing WoW back in vanilla and stayed through BC. My friends recently decided to pull me back into this digital heroin game, so now I live in Azeroth while my flesh-husk atrophies in a chair. My guild is currently Ruin because.... they invited me? I don't really remember, but it's not the guild for me. I've done a good deal of raiding back in the olden days, with my more recent raiding experience being heroic argus PUGs. You should accept me into your warm shelter so I never have to revisit that trauma again. New slogan: "Grelt: the merciful choice!"

What is your Weakness?
My weakness is that I work too hard and... wait this isn't a job interview. It's probably that I want to try all the new shiny stuff and get into weird specs sometimes. I'm really enjoying fistweaving right now, hence the melee healer weirdness in Uldir last night. My meters were decent though, so maybe it's working out? Question mark?

What was your favorite gaming moment?
My favorite gaming moment was probably experiencing the chapel in "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" for the first time. The enemies are creepy, the music is transcendent, and the level design is nigh perfect. Seriously, listen to this soundtrack!
I mean, the whole game is great, you should really play it. Hmm. Now I want to play it! Hold my beer...

Dysphoric's picture
Glad to see this Grelt. Let

Glad to see this Grelt. Let me give the other officers a chance to see it and I'll get back with you soon.

"I am Grelt!"

"I am Grelt!"

Castlevania has awesome music.

Hey, so what's wrong about the current guild? Like, if it's something like the tank will bubblehearth in the middle of a mythic run, you might have similar problems here.

Oh no, I'm all about the

Oh no, I'm all about the shenanigans (Eeeevil shenanigans!), it's more that my current guild is too big to have a soul. I miss whispers all the time because there were pages of inane chatter noise in gchat that drowned them out. And it's never funny, and it's always impersonal crap that they could've looked up on wowhead. Sigh.

I ache for a guild where everyone is friendly, decently competent when they're trying to be, and people actually laugh and have fun while they're playing this game... that we all play... to have fun. It's easy to forget that on the loot treadmill, but we are all here to have some version of a good time, right?

I am Grelt,

Dysphoric's picture
App accepted

As we talked about tonight in chat, your app is accepted. Arrange the transfer and you are good to go.

they'll never find me now!

ok, my transfer went through, but I had to change my name.

I am Grealt.

See you in guild chat!

AutoGun's picture

Welcome to the guild!!

As you have seen this guild has tons of strong raiding ability but also knows how to have fun when we should! We have all developed a good sense of life first then raid second but with very major competency when we are doing it! Glad to have you in the GT family!

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

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