Metaloxide (Dkhuggybear) Frost Deathknight

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Metaloxide (Dkhuggybear) Frost Deathknight

Hello all

Tell us tell us a little about yourself.
I'm an old school GT alum.. On Proudmore I was Dkhuggybear. I moved on from the guild when it basically stopped 25 man content once normal Icecrown Citadel was done... I remember a trial hunter named Skarn at that time...

I'm not 100% sure I'm up for raiding. I am looking for a new place to hang out and run some mythics etc.

Tell us about your WoW experience.
I've been played WoW from BC onwards with only a recent break in the last year. I've had the full spectrum of raiding experiences over a few characters from 15 hour/week to a more manageable 6. I've been involved in the full lifecycle of boom-to-bust for several guilds and even lead one. I realize that I miss the fun of working out a problem in a group and solving it together (they call those bosses, right?).

What is your Weakness?
I have no weaknesses. I have a bear trap of a memory and ninja-like reflexes.
Some of that may not be true.

What was your favorite gaming moment?
For GT nostalgia, I'll give you this one:
My first raid night with GT was Trial of the Crusader. Right before the floor broke to fall into the pool for Anubarak, I get a whisper from an horrible warlock named Auto..asking me to hit path of frost.. which I did.. while falling... And then everyone died.
Raid chat goes silent for 5mins while they discuss kicking me! Thanks Auto.

Extra Credit
is for those that don't think they did the job the first time around!


Dysphoric's picture

I talked with Metal via ingame chat. I told him we take old GT members back without question unless there were extenuating circumstances. He understood this does not include a guaranteed raid spot though but is welcome to transfer back as a generic member and we would talk about raid once he was back over with us and comfortable. He was good with that and will need to complete either a server or faction transfer (I can't remember which) and will start that process. Once that is completed he will contact a guildie for an invite.

rofl... great story!

rofl... great story!

He's still the same trickster btw.

AutoGun's picture

Funniest thing ever is I remember that raid and that exact moment! LOL I did tell the powers that be (Tantred I believe) that it was me who caused that issue LOL!! Funny part is that I have still killed quite a few people with Path of Frost tricks....

Glad to have you back!

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

mutagen's picture
OMG I remember that too!

OMG I remember that too! Welcome back Huggybear!

Look at all these familiar

Look at all these familiar names : )
I’m traveling this week but will transfer over once back.
If there is opportunity to raid, I’ll finish gearing up - I think I was -325 ish.

Having been an Orc for so long, I will say the Alliance DK race options are... lame.

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