ToT - Iron Qon

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Skarn's picture
ToT - Iron Qon


Icy Veins

Overall this boss seems fairly simple and will mostly be a healing and DPS check. I hear it's possible to single-tank this just like Durumu, but I'm not sure if we'll do that. Probably easier that way. Oh well. Anyway!

The fire phase has one difficulty, which is the group management for getting blasted by fire. This part doesn't exist in LFR. We'll have three groups of players that stack up to get blasted by fire and then spread out. Of course, one group will be "the melee group," of two melee DPS and one or both tanks. The other two groups will be ranged. It doesn't seem a good idea to have all three healers in the same stack group, so we'll do a group of two DPS/one healer and a group of one DPS/two healers. It's not too complex, but may take a little practice. Good news is that it's the first phase!

The lightning phase has tornadoes to avoid! YAY! One trick we'll do will make this substantially easier. Bluepea's gateway can get five people out of the tornadoes instantly. We'll be sure to abuse that. Assuming the boss can still be attacked while this is happening, I'd like to have the three ranged DPS use the gateway to maintain max DPS on the boss. Two healers will also take the gateway. If damage taken by the raid is too intense during this, we'll shift that to three healers and two DPS taking the gate. Melee will run. Sorry guys. ;) The gateway does gain another charge after 15 seconds so we can have a sixth person stand there and take it. Possibly a tank for that one. Everyone else should try to run out, but if the damage isn't too crazy, it may not matter much since we can get healers out quickly and melee won't be able to attack the boss anyway.

Ice phase is simple. Kill the boss, don't stand in bad stuff.

Final phase is even easier. Stack on the boss, kill him.

The fight has a 12 minute enrage so we'll pop Heroism at the start for the Fire dog and then a second time for the final burn of the boss. If we kill him so fast we don't get a second Heroism, well, everyone can have a cookie!

I like Cookies!

And warlock portals! I call a portal :)

mutagen's picture
Aliena's Guide to Iron Qon -

Aliena's Guide to Iron Qon - found another video after learning that Fatboss was going to quit making videos.

Skarn's picture
Almost got 'im

That went pretty well. This fight is rough with more than 2 melee DPS. When we switched to an extra ranged, it got a lot easier! If we do have to do it with 3 melee again, I think we could do it better. Simple enough, we can have one of the healers not stack with the ranged group. That should make healing easier if one of the healers is free to move around more. Would spread out the spears/fire lines too. Alternative would be a healer stacking with the tanks, but I think a "free" healer would be better.

Only other thing we need to change is the Arcing Lightning debuff. We did really bad with it! It did almost as much damage in the final phase as the Fist Smash did. That's pretty crazy. We should be able to totally eliminate the debuff in that phase. Think the fight would be easier with 40% less damage taken in that phase? I do!

During the Lightning Quilen it doesn't matter much because the debuff will keep getting applied. It will be really important to drop it off of everyone during the Frost Quilen. It's simple enough: If you have the debuff stay away from anyone else! We're 10-man with a lot of room to spread out so this really should not be hard.

So long as we go into the final phase without that debuff and everyone alive then he'll die easy.

For Science!

Skarn's picture
He's ddeeeaaaddd!

That was harder than I thought! Glad he died. Yick. Few notes:

We tended to get better at the Unleashed Flame in Fire phase, but it can still suck. Especially when a spear comes out. One note is that we don't have to be grouped up always, just enough to keep his energy from max. So delaying a group up until a spear comes out (which I did a few times) can save us from deaths.

Tornadoes got much better, but they are very nearly a death sentence so even more avoiding of them is best! (Of course, I'm the one that got caught in one and died on our kill. PFFT.)

Arcing Lightning debuff management was excellent, MUCH better than the previous night!

One thing for the final phase. He still has his spear in that phase and he still throws it, but it doesn't do lines any more. It hits someone random for physical damage and I think splashes. Immediately after that, he does the Fist Smash. So we could reduce damage taken in that phase by constantly spreading out and clumping up. Fist Smash ends, spread out. Fist Smash starts, group up. Though as gear keeps going up, it may be less and less of an issue anyway since he'll die faster.

For Science!

mutagen's picture
One suggestion on how to do

One suggestion on how to do it:

Heroic Iron Quon

We 2 tank, 3 heal this fight. You can single tank it, but if you execute correctly and vengeance steal(Taunt/tauntback)you can use 2, and not have to worry about bad BOP timing. If you do single tank it, BOP between each dog, and after all the dogs are dead.

The fight is very similiar to normal, with some added effects. You can read up on them anywhere, but I'll cover some key things.

Mark the bottom half of the room where groups should stack, and the top half. After a spear is thrown at them, all 3 in that stack group should move at the same time toward the entrance. Ranged/Non Monk Heals should be at max range, so a spear isn't dropped on the melee.

The top half is so that people can call out when they are stunned, and need to be clicked out. You have about 3 seconds to get them out, so calling out the color you are by is better than calling out your name. Stunned RED, Stunned BLUE for example.

Since they nerfed hiding from the storm and negating the windstorm mechanic, you have to burn cooldowns, and heal through it. Yay for late tier changes to mechanics after most guilds have exploited them for months. If you are getting a 2nd windstorm, you have dead or braindead DPS.

When you get to the phase with all dogs at once, have the OT pull Damren out slightly, and burn down fire doggy(Lust during this phase helps). Your melee will most likely take a blast or two, but getting him down fast will make the rest of the fight cake. Kill shield doggy last.

For Qon, stack and coordinate either healer or personal cooldown usage until dead.

mutagen's picture
More suggestions, lets dooo

More suggestions, lets dooo eeet!

Couple tips for you on Qon -

Slowly dps Damren while waiting for cooldowns to 26% then wait for him to shield, then lust and burn him. His shields block the other dogs as well so you want him down first. Have a shaman spec into Windwalk so you can clear the ice spear debuff off people right at the transition.

After Damren is down, which dog you do depends on what classes your healers are. We kill Roshak and use Guidance from DPS shamans to heal the spread out raid through the first fist smashes, because we don't want to fuck with trying to soak the unleashes. We just let the tanks and our one melee (a rogue who is feinting) do it.

Make sure the people with arcing lightning stay out before you stack up when Qon is alone. Arcing Lightning is the most damaging ability overall on the fight and you really want to get rid of it to make healing the fist smashes easier.

If you have the DPS to kill Jin'Rokh in the third puddle Qon shouldn't be too bad for you.

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