Stonestorm - Restoration Shaman {Accepted}

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Stonestorm - Restoration Shaman {Accepted}

Hello Game Theory!

I saw your need for healers on WoW Progress and I thought I would see if I could offer my services.

A little about myself:
My name is Mike and I've played Stonestorm as a healer since the very tail end of the Burning Crusade. My current guild is suffering from a lack of attendance and the unwillingness to put in the effort to get much progress in ToT. With 5.4 just around the corner I was hoping to transition to a more consistent and committed group of players.

I'm a 33 year old, working professional who loves World of Warcraft and my personal commitments and work prevent me from seeking out 3+ night a week raid groups. In addition, your guild's schedule closely resembles my current guild's schedule. Also, I would gladly realm and faction change (at my own cost) for the opportunity to raid.

About my raiding experience:
I raided only a small amount in Vanilla WoW on my rogue. In Burning Crusade, however, I took on the role of main-tank / raid leader for my 25-man raiding guild @ Runetotem, a now defunct guild. During this time I moved to California and raided 4+ nights a week. I couldn't sustain the pace and I ended up going on hiatus for 3 months. Coming back at the end of BC to re-roll Stonestorm with a bunch of my co-workers. Since that time I have been raiding 2-nights a week. I have been the raid leader in now for the entirety of WotLK, Cataclysm, and MoP. Unfortunately attrition, lay-offs at my office, and other commitments have caused my raiders to fall off. Hence, why I'm looking for a great group to join and become part of their family.

My interface:
I wanted to make a few quick notes about the way I play WoW. I play with the default interface and only a few add-ons (DBM, Recount). I do this to make the transition from patch to patch as smooth as possible. I use the default-WoW raid group interface. I used to use GRID but the default shows all of the same information. I also use a Razor Hex mouse to quickly access spells.

Please feel free to contact me though my Battle Tag: Silden#1205

I have also attached a combat log parse for Lei Shi:

Unfortunately our kill wasn't documented. There is also a Sha of Fear report but since I was taking that log it should not be considered valid.

Skarn's picture

Armory link:

Hello, Stonestorm! Thanks for your interest, I'm excited to keep our raid group strong. You may have noticed we have another app too, Hobugz, a Mistweaver. Currently, we have a priest and a mistweaver as full time healers in the guild. We also have an elemental shaman who moonlights as Resto when we need it. So the two of you would obviously be sharing loot.

As I mentioned in Hobugz's thread, I'm a little concerned about lack of healer diversity, but then again any good healer is better than none at all! Also, with you being a transfer, I don't want to make you do that if I'm not sure you'd get a real chance at a raid spot! This isn't a "no," it's just a "hmm, let's see if we can make this work!" :)

We'll chat in guild about it and figure it out, I'll also add your BattleTag in game so we can keep in touch.

For Science!

Thank you!

Thanks for taking the time to discuss my application with the guild. I understand the concern with progressing with two mail wearing players. I, myself, am very open to sharing gear and would be willing to negotiate with the other Shaman if the need arises. Beyond that, I'd just like to ask what spec the Priest is? I would assume Disc as they are very powerful currently, but I was just wondering.

I just want to say thank you again for reviewing my information and I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

AutoGun's picture

Always nice to see healers coming out of the woodwork then the opposite and currently healers are always needed! Our priest is currently Disc as noted due to how well they are doing in WoW! They will be nerfed so we hear come next patch but will wait and see on that one! I look forward to talking with you in game!

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

Skarn's picture
Come on Over

Hey Stonstorm! I was hoping to run across you in-game last night, but I didn't see you. Anyway, short version is that we'd love to have you come over and try out with us. Our other shaman is happy to give you a shot. ;)

I may be in-game tonight or I might not. I'll certainly be in-game tomorrow night, if you have any questions. Otherwise, feel free to ask here on the website!

For Science!


That sounds great! I'll transfer over Monday morning!

AutoGun's picture

Then I look forward to seeing you in game Monday night for our raid!

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

Loaffy's picture
<-- needs more heals!

Did you get transferred over yet? Don't forget to sign up for the raid tonight if your moved over.

Loaffy lvl 100 Warrior
Aristodemus lvl 100 Pally
Mushak lvl 100 Monk
Ímpatient lvl 100 Druid
Tells lvl 90 Priest
Tellos lvl 90 Shammy
Vonnegut lvl 90 Warlock
Bãcksurgeon lvl 91 Rogue
Merrelleyla lvl 94Hunter

I'm tired of lvling alts!

Delayed realm change

My friend from Blizzard was supposed to send me two keys to faction change and realm transfer. He said I should have them by Wednesday. So it looks like I won't be on Proudmore until sometime Wednesday! Sorry for the delayed notice, I should have posted while at work today but I was hoping he'd pull through.

Skarn's picture

Oh what! A guy with inside resources! ;D It's cool, we had enough to raid last night anyway. We'll probably want your help Thursday though! It'll be a good day to get some experience with the guild.

I will be out on Thursday, but that's nothing to worry about. Mutagen can get you into the raid. Anyone else in the guild could too! So just find anyone on Thursday and you'll be set. :)

For Science!

AutoGun's picture
Ooooo Inside Job!

I like that you have friends within Blizzard :) Grats on that one and heres hoping that they score this for you on Wednesday! I look forward to getting your chain heals soooooon! (May be the only healer that likes healing me am I right???)

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

Rule 1

DONT HEAL DARKGUNS!!! You will ruin all our fun!


Just got my keys. I hope to have my character transferred over by raid time! Look for me to be harassing you guys for an invite!

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