Siege - Iron Juggernaut

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Skarn's picture
Siege - Iron Juggernaut

Icy Veins

Next boss! To bust through the gate, we gotta blow this thing up.

mutagen's picture
Sorting out positioning seems

Sorting out positioning seems like it will be key. I had some range issues healing some people, partly because we spread out in the big open area.

Fatboss video

Fatboss put IJ further over in the east and loosely grouped there, the quoted tactic below (and the one I did in Flex) kept IJ where he was at start and relied on the wall and fence where we run in.

This guy is a lot easier than Galakras. He has 2 phases, the first lasts 2 minutes and the 2nd lasts 1 minute. In the first, there's a pretty standard tank swap mechanic that he casts in a frontal cone, while he also spawns mines that have to be detonated. We found that anyone in mail or higher can detonate one pretty easily, but we had whoever wasn't tanking Juggernaut at the time detonate atleast 2 of them. The other major ability of this phase is his borer drill ability, which causes lines of high physical damage that are pretty similar to Qon's spear throws. He also does shadow crashes in this phase, which is called Mortar Cannon. Pretty easy to avoid, and pretty devestating if not avoided.

In the 2nd phase, he becomes untankable. Your raid needs to spread out and make sure there is some sort of scenery behind them. We found that, right before he casts Shock Pulse (a spell he periodically casts that knocks back the entire raid) if we all moved to the giant well that starts on the left (from the players PoV) of Juggernaut as he cast it, then moved back into our normal position, we were able to handle this mechanic easily. When not about to deal with shock pulse, your raid needs to handle a decent AoE damage tick that persists throughout the entire phase, as well as random Explosive Tar void zones that he spawns. He also does an ability called Cutter Laser in this phase, which is similar to Megeara's blue beam, and cannot be kited through the Explosive Tar, or bad things happen.

Skarn's picture
Mines and Positioning

Positioning in the Siege/AoE Knockback phase is definitely a big part of it.

The other part is the Mines. Tanks need to be jumping on those. At minimum, the tank who does not have the boss needs to get one per spawn in the "Assault" phase. Preferably two.

During the Siege phase, each tank needs to get one per spawn. That removes two of them, the third should be healable.

For Science!


I like the videos from this group. Check out the video for your specific role.

Skarn's picture

Yep, that video is what I had in mind for doing this fight. It's gonna be a big numbers fight! Push those buttons HARD.

For Science!

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