Siege - Spoils of Pandaria

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Siege - Spoils of Pandaria

Icy Veins

Seemed to be alot going on in the Mogu side not sure if it was box overload or what but there was a good bit of overall damage going out to everyone on that side i know after about 3 min in i was getting close to empty . The other side the damage is about half of what the Mogu side takes. I know when we done it in flex we were using 2 healers per side in a 12 man group. I don't think we could dedicate 2 people per side stictly healing due to the dps loss however with the make up we have it might be possible to have Serelyn/me on one side and Stonestorm/Mutagen on the other. Mutagen and myself would only be healing thru our damage dealing abilities not sure how this would work out but could possibly help to last long enough to work thru the mechanics.

mutagen's picture
I did it on Flex 10 with a

I did it on Flex 10 with a very experienced and geared guild group who had cleared it on Normal. I was on Mantid side and it was hectic but we one shot it 2 healing. I had no idea what I was doing, I was trying to aim the healing buff away from the raid because I thought it was bad.

I think a little more practice and we'll reduce damage taken and clear through each side reasonably. As DPS I was having trouble picking out the right target (hell, I was having trouble getting to the right room) and I think a change in my position and camera position will make picking out nameplates easier on target switches. Aside from Flex I hadn't learned anything about the fight, a video or two this week will help as well.

We need to learn matter swaps, drop off bombs properly, get the Mogu buffs and a ton of other stuff.

Fatboss video

Icy Veins

You need to split your raid into 2 groups to handle both sides of the room. In 10m, this is basically impossible to 3 heal (as a guild that 3 heals EVERYTHING, we 2 healed this from the start and our DPS was still having issues in the beginning.)

Both groups have to deal with alternate rooms (1 mogu, 1 mantid) with the goal of reaching 50 energy to unlock the room's door. You have 270 seconds for the first room and 300 for the 2nd, so we found it easiest to lust on the first room. Have each group coordinate box openings, and the order we found for each quadrant was:

Panda boxes first, then first massive. Pick up the buffs off the panda mods for the appropriate spec. Lust, burn the massive while moving along the room and popping small and stout crates. The massive gives you 14 energy while everything else gives in the area of 1 or 2. After killing the massive, pop a bunch of non-massive crates (it will take a few pulls to get the hang of the speed in which you need to be opening crates) until you're at 34-35ish energy. Open another massive, and make sure to open enough smalls/stouts to reach 36 energy before the massive dies. Focus the massive and then open the door. The 2nd room is slightly more forgiving, timing wise.

The mobs from the boxes vary per room. Basically, in the mogu room make sure to move all mobs out of any void zone type shit they spawn (purple stuff is especially bad because it heals) while making sure to nuke all burial urns you uncover. Have 1 raid member stand in each of the matter swap beams that the golems produce to prevent taking a ton of damage.

In the mantid room, dispel any offensive buffs that get applied by anyone. When you have a massive box open, the champion will give someone a debuff called "Set to Blow" which gives them an extra action button. Run to an empty corner and use your extra action button to drop the bombs you have strapped to you on the ground. You can stack them, and you need to get atleast 4 of the 5 off of you before the timer runs out. Make sure to kill the amber-encased Cunchthings or whatever, and keep healers interrupted.

A panda of each monk spec can spawn from the boxes, and they give a spec-appropriate buff that requires you to click on it when they die. The brewmaster does a breath of fire and a keg toss, don't stand near his keg toss and if you get hit by it and BoF at the same time you'll need to be dispelled. The mistweaver does a spinning crane kick that sucks you in, run out of it as best as you can. The windwalker does spinning fire blossom (wtf?) so just move out of that. When your healers get the healing buff, make sure they're facing as many of their group as possible.

Wasn't too bad

The last few attempts once box order got smoothed out healing was fairly simple other than getting stunned for 5 seconds and watching health pools tick down without being able to do anything makes 5 seconds seem like forever.

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