Sylvermyst - Shadow Priest {Rejected}

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Sylvermyst's picture
Sylvermyst - Shadow Priest {Rejected}

Hi guys, I'm Sylvermyst and I was referred here by Aanvil.

Short version:
- Shadow Priest
- 568 iLvL
- Been playing since Vanilla
- Raiding and clearing heroic content (pre-nerf) since Lich King
- Multiple WoL rankings
- Currently 14/14N, 6/14H experienced (with 3/14H kills logged)

Let me preface by saying that I'm an extremely mature and humble person - there's not an arrogant bone in my body! I design video games for a living and have been doing it for over 15 years. :)

The whole reason I play this game is to raid heroic content. I enjoy the skill requirement, the unforgiving mechanics, and the high individual responsibility on each player that comes with heroics. Clearing a heroic boss is like performing in a world-class symphony. All the instruments have to start and stop at precisely the right time and, when it works, the music is beautiful. [sorry for the cheesy analogy, but that's how it feels!] :) I've been raiding heroic content since Lich King and have multiple WoL ranks posted, including a World #9 rank on Jin'Rokh last tier when the content was current.

I've played a shadow priest since Vanilla - I know my class inside out, and I challenge you to find a shadow priest who can out-geek me. I'm not saying it can't be done - but if you have such a shadow priest in your ranks, I would love to meet him/her. :)

I would consider my raid awareness to be "exceptional". I am used to raid leading, calling fights, helping others, and I like to learn the fights from all 3 role perspectives so not only can I do my job - but I can assist others with a clutch life-grip, vampiric embrace, interrupt, or dispel when things get hectic.

So what's my story and why am I looking for a guild?

Well - it's been tough. I work until 7pm server and cannot start a raid until 7:30server. My ideal scenario is two "serious" nights per week of heroic raiding - anytime after 7:30pm server. And you have no idea how hard that is to find. :) I'm in the closest thing to it I've found -- but, due to attendance issues (and a lack of player skill), the group I raid with has paused heroics and gone to normal to fit better with the group's skill, so I have benched myself and have been pugging heroics wherever I can.

When I play a game, I don't just play - I play to be one of the best. I also play Hearthstone and reached Legendary rank in the first season. I played Magic and the WoW TCG professionally as well back in the day.

Anyhow, thanks for taking the time to read my rambling. I would love to meet you guys and chat with your officers, I'm definitely available to trial with you and I'm certain I'll leave a lasting impression. From talking to Aanvil, you guys have the "perfect" time schedule for me and, assuming your group is competent and can handle heroic content - then I would love to see if a mutual fit exists between us.

My battletag is Sylvermyst#1382.

Feel free to hit me up anytime. I am up late most nights on WoW or Hearthstone. Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks again for your time! :)


Skarn's picture

Hi, Sylvermyst! Your app is great and you look like a solid player, but there are a couple things you should know.

We LIKE Heroic modes and enjoy doing them. We try to do as many as possible each tier. That said, we don't get very many of them done. We got none during Mogu'shan Vaults/Heart of Fear/Terrace. Two for Throne of Thunder and we are currently at three for Siege of Orgrimmar. It is something we are capable of, but it's not been the focus of the guild.

We're not sure what Warlords of Draenor and Mythic raiding holds for us yet. As you noticed, there's not a lot of late-night, 2-night, Heroic-focused guilds out there right now. Perhaps we can double our ranks in Warlords, but that's a ways off.

Second thing I wanted to mention is that we have several Trial recruits right now. It's a nice position to be in, but also a tad stressful. ;) That's not to say we don't want you, but it is saying we are looking a tad full at the moment. You've got quite the long history of raiding, so you probably know that never lasts long!

So, I wanted to say Hi and that we are interested, but also to make sure you know what you are getting into. :) Feel free to hit us up with questions!

For Science!

Sylvermyst's picture
Thanks for the reply, Skarn -

Thanks for the reply, Skarn - all is understood and I'm still interested.

Could you let me know when you think I might be able to trial with you so I can clear my schedule and make sure I'm available?


mutagen's picture
Hey Sylvermyst, sorry to not

Hey Sylvermyst, sorry to not follow up with you earlier. I've been buried with work and have hardly had a chance to raid or even log in.

I'd love to have another priest in the raid, especially a good Shadow priest I can learn from. I off-spec shadow but with the strength of Disc and my ability to abuse Atonement I don't get much practice with Shadow and I feel like a dick rolling on the nice DPS drops until the rest of the casters have them.

I also share Skarn's concerns that our casual approach to heroics might not be your cup of tea but we're definitely doing them and will continue to work our way through SoO heroics.

I think you're spot on with the cheesy symphony analogy, executing group content well is one of the things that keeps me playing WoW instead of my typical video game ADD. We don't always make beautiful music but GT keeps finishing songs. We're less symphonic and more these guys.

Sylvermyst's picture
Hey Skarn & Mutagen - "a

Hey Skarn & Mutagen - "a casual approach to heroics" matches my desires. It's really all you can expect out of a 2-night-per-week raiding schedule anyhow. :)

So, even though I am very serious about wanting to get to and raid heroic bosses - I still feel like we may be a good match.

When do you think I could trial with you?


Skarn's picture
Hey Sylvermyst, really sorry

Hey Sylvermyst, really sorry for the delay here. The honest answer is "I'm not sure." It's been a hectic week out-of-game, but that still isn't very fun for you! We'll get back to you within the next couple days.

For Science!

Skarn's picture

Hi again! We were thinking about having you come along on Monday's raid, but it looks like you've already done a run this week. Totally understandable that you'd want to do something while not knowing what is going on here, so no worries.

In that case, we'd be happy to have you along on this Thursday's raid, March 27. We should be doing mostly Heroic bosses that night.

For Science!

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