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Enkii's picture

Tell us tell us a little about yourself.

Well, I am a 24 year old CGI&VFX Student from South Australia. I have a girlfriend of 11 Months and a daughter that is 2 years old.
if im not spending my time playing WoW i am trying to hone my skills as a CGI Artist. I have been a raid leader for SoO Normals for the past 2 months and i am looking to branch off my own way into Heroics.

I am a 563 ele shaman with a resto offspec (I have a decent resto set but trinkets are lacking) I also have a resto druid Alt and a Prot Paladin Alt, On oceanic servers ive got a lvl 85 warlock, ret pally and fury warrior so my class and character knowledge is a lil extensive. I started playing when WoL came out for a couple months then stopped, Again when Cata come out and stopped again (mainly because i didnt have anyone to play with) and ive been playing MoP for 4 months now and i dont see myself stopping anytime soon :) (i have a GF who loves to raid) Initially i started off in "It takes Ten to Tango" which was a friends guild then i moved to Vexed which is who i am with now but they have split there own ways due to personal reasons and now im looking for a new guild to take on heroics with. I raid lead a normal Group that my ele shaman used to be a part of on my prot pally alt now so quite a fair bit. Only pvp when i have to.
What is your Weakness?
My one weakness would probably be that i can lag sometimes but i usually fix that by resetting the router and relogging. other then that i can't think of anything.

What do you struggle with? What are you working on improving?
What was your favorite gaming moment?
I struggle with finding a decent group to do heroics with, for the past few weeks i have been trying to get it done with pugs but that has been proving to be quite the task. Virtually i have been doing normal raids for quite some time now and there isnt much i need improving with when it comes to my ele shaman. Maybe just some heroics EXP and Gear would help a lot. Favorite gaming moment would be killing normal garrosh...God that was sooo satisfying! or even more recently finishing dark souls II because that is a bastard of a game too.

Extra Credit


Don't have any recent logs but contact me ingame on Btag stifmister#6299 and ill be more then glad to link my garrosh kill and answer any further question you have about my capabilities

Skarn's picture

Heya Enkii! Many apologies for the really late response. Been a little busy out-of-game lately and I haven't seen you online in-game on Thursday nights.

We'd be happy to have you along for a raid, if you're still interested. Make sure you're online one of these Thursdays. :)

For Science!

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