Sameil - Holy Paladin

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Sameil - Holy Paladin

Tell us tell us a little about yourself.

I am male, 30, originally from the Netherlands. I am a BI developer for a healthcare firm.

What are you doing when you're not playing WoW? Work? School? We don't want to pry too deeply into your private life but we'd like to get to know you better.

When I am not playing WoW I am doing metalworking or practicing shooting.

Tell us about your WoW experience.

I have been playing WoW since vanilla. With the exception of Sunwell I have experienced all end game raid content.

What class and spec(s) are you applying with?

I have always played the Paladin class. I prefer holy because it, at least for me, required the most focus and skill. I am also adept at tanking.

What other classes have you played?

I enjoy playing my Death Knight farming alt.

When did you start playing?

I have been playing since Molten Core.

What guilds were you in?

My first raiding guild was the Argonaughts on Lothar. Short after the guild broke apart I transferred to Proudmoore to join Game Theory. I raided with Game Theory until I had to leave WoW to handle personal affairs.

How much raiding have you done?

With the exception of Sunwell I have experienced all end game raid content.

PVP much?

Only for fun with friends or guild members.

What is your Weakness?

Sometimes I take things too seriously - but I am working on it.

What do you struggle with?

Healing people in fire.

What are you working on improving?

My dps spec.

What was your favorite gaming moment?

My favorate gaming moment is split between downing Algalon and Lich King with GT.

mutagen's picture
Hey Sameil! Great to hear

Hey Sameil! Great to hear that you're able to start playing again. Unfortunately you caught us in the summer / pre-expansion lull where we've suspended raiding due to real life summertime activities. We'll be starting up again as Warlords of Draenor approaches, either enjoying the flexibility of Heroic Flex raiding or trying to assemble a solid 20 man Mystic raid group.


Great to see you again! Looking forward to raiding with you again in WOD.

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