HM - Kargath

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HM - Kargath

I'm not going to spoonfeed videos and tactics writeups, I think we can all find them well enough. Wowhead has some particularly nice writeups on each boss. I'd like to post a topic on each boss where we can discuss what we learned from PuGing and from our own attempts. Feel free to write up your own observations and post links to stuff you found especially useful.

Kargath seemed pretty easy, its likely worth considering some Heroic attempts soon. Always have a plan on which flame jet you're going to kite him to as they turn on and off. Lots of people seem to have issues getting the right people hurled into the stands, it might be worth taking your time getting back on him unless you're assigned to the group. Also, the WoW engine probably still does position updates when you change direction so if you autorun back in, try turning or jumping around to force a position update.