Gear Run

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Gear Run

Rhada and Yakitate have both put in a lot of time and effort trying to gear up to raid. But, it looks like they could use a little help getting over that last hump. Is there anyone else out there trying to get from 640 to 665 either on their main or on an alt they'd actually rather be raiding with? Or maybe on your off-spec? I'd be willing to tank an alt run or just do a gearing up run some night if we can find a good time.


I'll happily bring Sanz along

I'll happily bring Sanz along if they need a masochistic type to soak up all the heals. If there's room for subpar pewpew (other than Sanz), I can also bring along Woefire.

mutagen's picture
I'm down to help, I'd love a

I'm down to help, I'd love a chance to heal a bit or I'm happy to practice DPS.

You all are welcome on the raids I posted about as well.

I'm the opposite of Muta. I

I'm the opposite of Muta. I'd be willing to practice DPS on Stonestorm on an alt run.

Would the plan be Highmaul Normal or Heroic?

I think the most efficient

I think the most efficient use of time would be to run Highmaul heroic for gear.

I'll tank for heals. :)

I'll tank for heals. :)

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