Hi there! Rogue looking for a home

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Minikin's picture
Hi there! Rogue looking for a home

Little bit about myself...
Married mom of three a his, mine, and ours family. When I'm not playing WoW or working, I'm reading, listening to music, whooping hubby's butt@ Jeopardy, or caring for our 2 bearded dragons.

Wow experience...
Been playing pretty much since Vanilla with a few periods of very light activity. Been in a couple of big guilds, a few small ones, did a lot of raiding up to ICC in Winterborn but didn't get to LIch King at that time. Haven't really raided since due to very quiet guilds, and I'm not really fond of raid pugs. Been doing a lot of questing, exploring new classes, and soloing old instances just for the heck of it.

What is my weakness...
I suppose it is stuck in one class for most part, been a rogue since BC and have never taken another class very far. Since I've been pretty much soloing since Cata though, I'm working on that, with a few toons of other classes that are up and coming.

What was my favorite gaming moment...

That would have to be hands down during the time I was in OoE, that I rogue tanked Illhoof in Karazhan. The whole raid was down except for me and my hubby who was a pally at the time. He kept me up and I got Illhoof down, saving the raid from a wipe.

Extra Credit...

I haven't raided since Wrath, I still have DBM, and that's about it, very basic nowadays



Minikin's picture
Hi Hi!!! Heard you and

Hi Hi!!! Heard you and Severs where here, thought hopefully I could get a new home with some familiar faces =)

Skarn's picture

Hiya, Mini, nice to meet you! It sounds like you are looking for a casual social experience and not a raiding one, for the moment. That's fine, we are happy to meet new friends! If you just want to join up and play and chat, that sounds great, hit up myself, Mutagen or Aanvil in-game. :)

For Science!

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