Trathis (currently Kel'Thuzad, Proudmoore IF accepted) - 2H Fury Warrior

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JustinS78's picture
Trathis (currently Kel'Thuzad, Proudmoore IF accepted) - 2H Fury Warrior

Tell us tell us a little about yourself.

What are you doing when you're not playing WoW? I'm 36-years-old and reside in Bristol, Virginia/Tennessee. I work and in my spare time spend as much time with family as I can. I also love listening to music and partake in movies, television and good food as often as possible. I'm an avid fan of sports, as well. I play WoW a great deal, but I believe it's healthy to sprinkle a few other hobbies and adventures into life as much as you can.

Tell us about your WoW experience.

I've played since 2008, I honestly don't recall the exact date that I started playing in 2008. In that time I've played ALMOST every class, some more so than others, but I'd say I have a decent grasp of MOST of the classes in the game.

My very first toon was a rogue and I was TERRIBLE for a good 5 months or so. I'd never played an MMO or ANY games that were even remotely like WoW before. Only experience in pc gaming I'd previously had was Team Fortress Classic. I've been a gamer all of my life, but up until WoW that had been almost entirely on console.

I became completely addicted to WoW and fell in love with the game. So I went out of my way to learn how to play. A rogue in a guild that I'd applied to to raid with took me under his wing and taught me the ins-and-outs of the game. That was around the time when most guilds were getting into ICC and that was the case with that particular guild. So I cut my teeth on that raid. I ran with that guild until the middle of Cataclysm or so. They raided 5 nights a week and no lie I got burnt out of that after a year or two. It became like a second job and I needed a break. So I then decided to faction change and try the alliance and a higher pop server (I'd always wondered what the higher pop server were like).

Truth be told, I didn't raid seriously (ONLY LFR) to any great extent from the middle of Cataclysm until the beginning of Warlords of Draenor and even took a 5 or 6 month break from WoW to play SWTOR in that time. Due to time constraints I was about a month behind everyone else in WoD and had to play catch up. I've raided some of normal Highmaul, but I'm 8/10 normal Blackrock Foundry and 5/10 heroic. I intend to join a guild that's progression is somewhere around where I am and PREFERRABLY normal BRF.

I'm at the point again where I'd really like to find another home and a good crew to raid with a little more seriously than I have been (let's face it, LFR just doesn't cut it). I'm not into the elitist nonsense and I'm perfectly happy raiding at a slower pace if that's what a guild is doing. Just as long as people in the raid group are cool and respectful and we progress at a reasonable pace, I'll be happy as a clam.

What class and spec(s) are you applying with?

I'd probably want to throw my rogue and another alt in the guild if accepted. As stated above, I've played most every class to some extent, with exception to priest and monk. I have only played dps specs, though. For whatever reason healing and tanking has never really interested me at all. I'd want to raid with my 2H fury warrior (iLvL 669, if it matters) and that's the toon that I'm applying with.

What do you struggle with? What are you working on improving?
What was your favorite gaming moment?

I struggle with being vocal. Admittedly, I'm a tad on the shy side until I get to know people and usually stay pretty quiet until I get to know people somewhat.

I'm working on getting my raid awareness back since all that I have done since the middle of Cataclysm is LFR. That used to actually be one of my very best traits. Granted, I don't stand in fire now, but I'm not quite back to where I was prior to breaking from serious raiding. Shouldn't take long.

Hands down my favorite gaming moment was downing 25H Lich King before the nerf. There was always something glorious about that raid for me, maybe because I cut my teeth on that raid as I stated earlier (everything about that expansion was amazing for me, in fact).

I also must say that Invincible FINALLY dropping for me last Sunday after like 5 years of running that raid, ALMOST WEEKLY, for that mount was beyond amazing. I seen it drop before they changed the loot rules for it in Cataclysm 3 times and the guild gave the mounts to the gm and raid officers. Hadn't seen it drop again in years since then....Until last Sunday.

Can you link a World of Logs raid parse? Sadly, I cannot and admittedly haven't a clue what any of that even means. Anyhow, not to worry. I run DBM, recount and GTFO. Nothing else. Not a big fan of using an ungodly amount of addons myself, either.


Hello Justin and thanks for applying. Our guild leader, Skarn, is on vacation this week, but you can find me in game as Aanvil#1385.

Can you tell us a bit about your schedule? We raid fairly late, 8:30 to 11:30 pm Pacific time. With you being in Virginia is that a problem?

mutagen's picture
Hey nice talking to you last

Hey nice talking to you last night. It sounds like your schedule fits, feel free to hang out with us on Mumble for tonight's raid or if your transfer goes through you're welcome to join us.

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