BH, p3.

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BH, p3.

Here is main avoidable source of death in p3 - eruption.
Eruption is that circle around BH smashes + more circles from bombs. Every second in that circle is like...a lot of damage. And if you have +dmg debuf - unhealable.
This is avoidable by:
a. proper positioning for those who take smashes in circle.
b. those with debuff - proactively move away.

Also bomb drops and overall positioning is an issues. Here is one more image of what we need to do.


In case image didn't work:

I used to be the yellow star.

I used to be the yellow star. I go to Israel for a week, and suddenly I'm the star of David. :D

I've noticed that the slag pools frequently overlap the center of the room. I know the pools get larger over time. The question I have for the slagged though is, are they running as close to the edge as possible?

I believe the biggest

I believe the biggest eruption is from the Shattering Smash and that is the one that grows extremely large. We (I) should work harder to keep blackhand closer to the edge so that his Shattering Smash is closer to the edge so that it doesn't reach as far into the center. People getting knocked back should be careful to be slightly to the right, NOT the left so they don't get knocked into the old eruptions.

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