HFC - Gorefiend

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HFC - Gorefiend

Shadow of Death is back!

Icy Veins

Going through the logs, WTF

Going through the logs, WTF happened last night at the end of Gorefiend? Not only did everyone die, but that massive DTPS... at the end?!?

Skarn's picture

That was the Gorebound Constructs, which are the skeletons that focus a target. When they catch that target they explode for DEATH amount of damage (apparently 3 million). That's why DTPS skyrockted and everyone fell over dead.

Either the Constructs weren't getting damaged in the stomach, weren't getting killed above or both. Potentially people were just coming back up top and not killing adds, since he was so close to dead. That seems to be a bad idea. We should stick to the add mechanic the whole way through.

For Science!

I really lost sight towards

I really lost sight towards the end. I know we were running very short on breathing space, I was killing skeletons that were in range and putting kill shots into the boss, then I got sent below.

Was killing some down there, then everyone was dead and someone called for me to come back out, popped out and fled a pack of skellies shooting at boss, skelly managed to corner me by the front left corner and went boom, he barely went down =/ I'm actually confused as to what happened. It totally got me. Says I took 3 mil in the log, but that it was absorbed O_o

My reactions for skels are still wonky in Marks. Aimed shot takes too long, but if other things are on CD it's pretty much all I've got. If there's more than 1 on me in close quarters I'm pretty much screwed. I'm better at scrambling in beast, but lose a ton of dps to pet running back and forth.

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