HFC - Iskar

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mutagen's picture
HFC - Iskar

Hot potato with the Eye, this should be fun!

Icy Veins

Skarn's picture
Iskar Assist Mod

I ran acrosa an add-on that should make tossing the Orb in the Iskar fight simpler. Check it out.

For Science!

mutagen's picture


We're getting close but still making a few mistakes throwing the eye. We should consider arranging groups so Tanks, Melee and Healers (players more likely to be closer to the edge) are in G1/G2 as priority targets for the eye during winds. Then fill G2 with ranged that don't have as much mobility, putting hunters and other very mobile classes in G3 to get the Eye last.

Maybe some other steps / marks to make it clearer in the heat of battle who needs the eye when.

Misclicks happen, we could all be a little more aware that we might get the eye at the wrong time and be ready to pass it on to whoever needs it.

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