HFC - Tyrant Velhari

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HFC - Tyrant Velhari

Evil Paladin!

Icy Veins

I fail at embedding videos, so here is a link instead!

Skarn's picture

There are some conflicting opinions on this fight between Wowhead, Icy Veins, Line of Sight and Fatboss. It's kinda amusing.

"Kill the add in phase 1, no don't kill the add in phase 1! "
"Kill the add in phase 2, no don't kill the add in phase 2!"
"Heroism in phase 3, no Heroism in phase 2!"
"Kill the add in phase 3, yeah definitely."

They all agree on that last one, for obvious reasons. So I'm thinking mostly ignore the add in phase 1, just cleave it. It's quite minor. Same for the phase 2 add, so long as we interrupt it. I feel like Heroism will be better in phase 2, but we won't really know for sure until we do it ourselves.

For Science!

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