Class Swaps

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Class Swaps

I'm starting a thread for people who are thinking about switching classes or roles going forward or for Legion. This is not legally binding, you don't have to be sure. But there are a few reason for this thread.

1) As we do more runs with alts (and friends), we want to balance between allowing alts and still succeeding. We want to prioritize allowing people to bring alts who are strongly considering a main swap. Of course, if you are seriously considering a main swap, then please put in the time to gear up and enchant.

2) We don't want everyone to switch to the same class, such as Demon Hunter, because I called dibs so back the F off!

3) If someone out there wants to be a shaman, but thinks we already have 3 shamans, but actually two of them are thinking about switching, it would be good to know that. Same thing with druids or paladins.

Personally, I am strongly considering a switch to:
Demon Hunter - tank/dps

I'll stick with pally tank,

I'll stick with pally tank, but want to work on my ret skills during alt nights.

I plan to continue to raid on

I plan to continue to raid on Euphoric as MM, unless the changes really make the class unplayable. I won't be doing survival at all so no melee hunter here.

Dysphoric's picture
Raiding on Dys

I won't be switching. I love Dys. I can't imagine doing anything else. The only thing that I do is screw around with her spec. I will probably stay boomkin but I'm open to my off spec being just about anything (or everything) since we will have quad spec. I have played everything in my life as a druid from main tank through main healer, but as my MS has gotten worse relying on my movement in melee has been harder. So I'll probably main boomkin.

Open to many options!

I've been debating if I want to continue to be Elemental in the expansion - I've been considering a return to healing.

I've also been considering Mage (Fire/Arcane) or Warlock (Destro) if I continue DPS.

I'm open to suggestion!

So far it looks like I'm the

So far it looks like I'm the only one swapping! I thought for sure there were others.

If you are interested in healing, then playing a spec that can heal OR dps is amazingly helpful for our guild. If you want to be a main spec healer, then we can make that happen. Your flexibility and consideration of what is best for the raid, is much appreciated!

All of that said, you don't have to. You can throw fireballs all day long if you want. I hear mages and warlocks are better at that than shaman.

Here is where I am:

Here is where I am:

HPal - 25%, RDruid -20%, Warlock- 15%, Mage - 10%, DK - 10%, MW Monk - 8%, other options - whatever left.

Haha! That is a lot of

Haha! That is a lot of options.

mutagen's picture
Still playing my priest. I've

Still playing my priest. I've been enjoying switching between healing and DPS and would like to continue that in Legion. Maybe messing about with a Demon Hunter.

Considering swapping

I am considering swapping to Demon Hunter but not sure yet...need more information on everything.

Severs's picture

I'm liking what I'm seeing with DK, but I am also very interested in seeing how DH's play. If I enjoy DH over DK, I will swap, otherwise I will continue on Severs.

It's all a matter of what I'll find the most enjoyable.

Vesqalel's picture
I'd like to continue as Ret.

I'd like to continue as Ret. My main concern is that a mass swap to Demon Hunters could leave us too melee heavy. It might be worth factoring in ranged/melee in the OP.

EDIT: I'm open to being a back up healer. I like healing. But I'm pretty mediocre at it and only have experience on Shammy/Druid/Priest. I'd love to try Pally healing, but that could be a fatal experiment :D

Paladins are the best healers

Paladins are the best healers!

Vesqalel's picture
If I heal, that theory will

If I heal, that theory will be sorely tested.

Warlock ftw!

Warlock it is!

Skarn's picture

I have shocking news!

I will be a Hunter in Legion!

Yep, no WAY did you see that coming. :)

I'm supportive of pretty much any class switches people want to do. The main goal here is for everyone to enjoy playing the game. Class is a big part of that. I encourage classes that can do multiple roles, but still not going to push that on anyone.

For Science!

Ok I finally made my mind.

Ok I finally made my mind. Back to basics - Mage it is. (I play mage in Vanilla and BC).

Loaffy's picture
If I come back this time..........

If and when I come back I think I'll be stepping out of the Tanking role and be wanting to run Either Loaffy as a Fury Warrior, AristoDemus as a Ret Pally, or Backstabber as some sort of rogue.

Loaffy lvl 100 Warrior
Aristodemus lvl 100 Pally
Mushak lvl 100 Monk
Ímpatient lvl 100 Druid
Tells lvl 90 Priest
Tellos lvl 90 Shammy
Vonnegut lvl 90 Warlock
Bãcksurgeon lvl 91 Rogue
Merrelleyla lvl 94Hunter

I'm tired of lvling alts!

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