raiding plans question

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raiding plans question

So Dys and I tend to enjoy the leveling process and I am hoping we don't have to fly through it. At the same time, we've never raided with you guys at the start of an expansion. We don't want to let the team down.

How do you guys handle this?

Skarn is the slowest. He

Skarn is the slowest. He likes to RP the leveling or something.

I suggest that we start by getting together to do dungeon runs on our raid nights.

Oooh I like that suggestion!

Oooh I like that suggestion!

Raids don't open until later

Raids don't open until later in September from what I've read so we've got at least 3 weeks to get to 110 and 'raid ready'.

Though... I'll prolly be 110 by the Friday after launch at the latest.

We're going to Disneyland,

We're going to Disneyland, comically starting on Tuesday. I'll start a week late but since I tend to Esc out of the RP, should catch up with Skarn by level 102.

mutagen's picture
I don't have much vacation

I don't have much vacation time to burn on leveling, I'm going to be on the slow ride this time around.

We've never really pressured anyone to level quickly just to raid. With the group finding tools there's even less pressure and plenty of other raiders and/or opportunities to raid. Of course, we'd rather have plenty of GT and friends to raid with rather than randoms.

Skarn's picture
Enjoy it

Yeah, we don't have any rules about when you have to be ready to raid. Of course, if the rest of us are, we'll just go without you. ;)

But like Aanvil and Sanz have pointed out, I tend to be the last to max level anyway! SOMEONE has to count all the blades of grass. C'mon.

So have a good time with it, don't fret too much. Raids open in 3 weeks, if we are ready, great! If we need another week, that's fine too. We started Highmaul a week late.

For Science!

Vesqalel's picture
I'm still level 102. You'll

I'm still level 102. You'll have plenty of time.

This is the first expac where I've been taking my time leveling and I'm really loving it. So nice to just enjoy the world that was created.

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