Tentative Raid Roster

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Tentative Raid Roster

Sup gentlemen and ladies of Game Theory!

I was just wondering what we're all planning on playing come Legion. I'm still deciding between Elemental and Mage (Fire / Arcane) so I'm just wondering what kind of composition we're looking at.

Here's the list as far as I recall, if anything's change let me know!

Aanvil - Tank (Warrior / DH)
Sanzaru - Tank - Paladin

Perhonen - Healer - Discipline Priest
Stonestorm - Healer - Resto / Elemental Shaman
Muta - Healer / DPS - Priest
Hobugz - Healer / DPS - Druid
Dysphoric - Healer / DPS - Druid (Balance)

Skarn - DPS - Hunter (BM / MM)
Euphoric - DPS - Hunter (BM / MM)
Dikka - DPS - Mage
Serelyn - DPS - Shaman (Elemental)
Luvalot - DPS - Assassination Rogue
Vexaes - DPS - Retribution Paladin
Swipe - DPS - Druid (Feral / Balance), Enhancement Shaman, DH
Severs - DPS - Demon Hunter
Saz - DPS - Shaman (Enhancement)

Edit: Updated Muta, Updated Hobugz, Updated Aanvil
Edit 2: Updated Sanz, Updated Severs
Edit 3: Updated Dikka, Updated Stonestorm
Edit 4: Spoke with Vex - he'll be playing Paladin again!
Edit 5: Hit up Luv in chat - Assassination Rogue it is!
Edit 6: Updated Serelyn.
Edit 7: Updated Hobugz, Euphoric & Dysphoric
Edit 8: Updated Saz

Nice! I hadn't added it up,

Nice! I hadn't added it up, but it looks like a really good group again. I haven't decided between Warrior and DH. They both have heroic leap (which I love), and I love double jumping and all that, but I honestly prefer the class fantasy of warriors over DH. I'm kind of over the whole psycho dark hero batman thing.

Was actually considering

Was actually considering going back to mage. I'm really not to happy with how they keep changing the play style of the monk healer. I played a mage up until the end of Wrath. I then played a Tree until M.o.P.


If your seriously thinking of swapping back to Mage, that might help me decide on Elemental / Restoration Shaman for Legion. I can swap over and heal if need be - I just need to know which we'd rather have.

At least this way I wouldn't

At least this way I wouldn't feel so bad about having to miss sometimes because of my crazy travel schedule, or due to super slow hotel net speeds.

mutagen's picture
Still playing a priest. Not

Still playing a priest. Not committed to a spec. I'll likely enjoy switching up specs and beating my head against Artifact Knowledge trying to keep multiple specs relevant. Shadow changes are kind of cool and kind of clumsy. Holy is straightforward healing. Disc is awesome but a bit of a specialized niche.

Severs's picture
Demon Hunter

My plan is Demon Hunter, DPS mainspec, Tank offspec to help fill in as needed and to assist with Dungeon runs.

Looking forward to grouping up again! I also plan on enjoying the scenery this time around, so I'm not planning on rushing to 110.


> Sanzaru - Tank (Pally?)

> Sanzaru - Tank (Pally?)

How'd you guess? :)

I tried the tank specs and just can't shake the fun I get from my pally. Warrior came second, but I just couldn't get into that rotation as much as FCFS (which is now lolprot as well as lolret).

I'm planning on blasting through content and getting to 110 quickly, mainly because it'll be the fourth (?) time to see all that content. A lot of the gearing up isn't just 100 but also accruing enough artifact power to improve your hammer/shield/whatever, and it will take a LOT to upgrade even the primary spec. Totally worth it too.

The downside of all this is that the offspec artifact will be terribly underleveled. I tried healing and ret with the vanilla offspec artifact, and it was terrible compared with the equivalent upgraded artifact. I played two pallies in the alpha/beta, a lolprot and a lolret.

I'm switching to mage.

I'm switching to mage.

Skarn's picture
What should I be?

Thanks for putting this up, Stone! This is super helpful. It is a really solid group. Two tanks, three healers, several ranged DPS and some melee DPS. Severs, glad to hear you will be available to tank as needed. I'm sure we'll need backups at some point. Stone, thanks for healing too!

We'll probably need at least one more who can heal for when one of the healers has to miss a night. It'll happen, that's life, we all get it. Just want to be ready for when it happens. :) I hope getting a second artifact to a semi-decent level won't be TOO hard. It'll probably be ok if a second artifact isn't IDENTICAL to your primary, but not empty of power either.

I'll be around lots next week, in the evenings, leveling and such. I've been getting in some Overwatch while there isn't leveling to do. :)

For Science!

re: Second Artifact

Ask Mr. Robot did a great chart about when you should spend your artifact power and what on. It's actually pretty easy to keep a second artifact fairly powered:


mutagen's picture
Watcher made a post that

Watcher made a post that seems to indicate that some of the pacing has changed but mostly for the better. I haven't followed the artifact stuff closely enough to know how everything fits together but it has me hopeful that I'll be at least somewhat effective in a couple of specs.

Skarn's picture
What class?

Oh and hey I'm gonna be a DEMON HUNTER.

I'm gonna hunt down all those demons and kill them! With my pet! And my bow!

See? Hunter of demons! Demon Hunter!

For Science!

BTW. Will our composition

BTW. Will our composition affect loot this tier? Do we need to try and spread out between armor types?

Personal Lewtz

Personal loot solves this problem and we tend to get "more" loot that way. We can also trade pieces we already get to others.

Serelyn's picture
What Class?

Thanks Storm for setting that up. Yeah, I'll probably just stick to shaman.

Loot wise, looks like we're in a good set up. 3 Plate, 4 Chain, 4 Leather, 4 Cloth

Skarn's picture

For set tokens we have
Vanquisher - 4
Protector - 4
Conqueror - 5

A surprisingly good spread! Not counting Aanvil and Swipe who haven't decided yet. :)

Personal Loot is interesting though. As Stone says, duplicate stuff will be tradeable. It might be the better option all around now. Which is kinda weird. I'm not sure if I'm sad or happy.

For Science!

Another option that might

Another option that might better benefit the guild is I could go Tree/Dirtybird. I enjoy playing both mage and druid. I didn't mention it before because at one point I thought we were tree heavy. Which ever yall think would be better guild wise if fine with.


Druids are looking to be VERY good for healing and solid for DPS. If you'd rather go that route, i can put you back up by us cool healers. It's really up to what you'd like to play Bugz!

Going with the druid

Going with the druid

Skarn's picture

So long as you have fun with it, Druid would be better than Mage. Flexibility, ya know. :)

For Science!

Severs's picture
Second Artifacts

I played Havoc (dps) DH on Beta for almost a month, I kept my Artifact Knowledge boost going as soon as I unlocked it. I swapped to Vengeance (tank) for about 12 hours, and with the AK boost, matched my Havoc artifact within 4-5 hours. The catch up using AK, at least until Tier 13 is insanely fast.

Still not sure what to play

I am still not sure what to play. So torn

Hm, looks like we don't have

Hm, looks like we don't have any representative of previous hero class - DK.

Let people rolling on plate?

Let people rolling on plate? Works for me!

Skarn's picture
Dead DKs?

They're all rolling Demon Hunters! Heroic Flavor of the Expansion. ;)

For Science!

Hi all. I'll definitely be on

Hi all. I'll definitely be on Euph. I haven't decided whether I will be BM/MM or MM/BM and it doesn't really affect anything.

Dys is torn between boomkin or heals. She said just let her know what you need.

I also think Saz is going to join us again. Someone should poke her.

Saz's picture
Hey hi! I'd definitely love

Hey hi! I'd definitely love to join you all again if you'll have me. I'll still be playing enhancement because let's face it, I'm a one trick pony haha.

Dysphoric's picture
Pally coming back

The pally that joined us one or two times (Cyriene) is probably going to come back again. He is leaning toward Holy Pally but also has a warlock who could main. Do we have a strong preference?

Skarn's picture
Second specs

Turns out keeping two artifacts relevant isn't bad! Here is a write-up with a great visual about how close you can keep two artifacts. Basically, because the later abilities cost so much, you can get several early abilities on a second artifact for the same Power cost. Looks like dual-spec is pretty reasonable.

Hey Saz! *poke poke poke*
Enhancement is fine. :)

Euph and Dys, seems like you can run both specs if you want.

For Cyriene, I'm not sure we have a preference. We seem to be looking good with healers and backups now. If he'd like to be Holy Pally, it's probably fine. If everyone is flexible. :D Warlock is certainly good though.

For Science!

Vesqalel's picture
New raiders?

I've seen a lot of new names when I'm online - are any of them planning on raiding?

mutagen's picture
At least three are rerolls of

At least three are rerolls of some that were raiding with us at the end of WoD. Others are old raiders from expansions past that are always welcome to start raiding again. And there are several friends of our friends and former raiders turned casual that would be welcome to raid with us again.

>Others are old raiders from

>Others are old raiders from expansions past

Yep, that's me. Can't commit to be being a full-time raider, but, if you need and I can make it, happy to fill a slot.

Going to focus Smagic on Fury and try to keep Prot spec not too far behind.

Glad to see that I wasn't punted after 2.5+ years away... :)

Hey all! I've been out of

Hey all! I've been out of town since Legion released but I have it waiting for me when I get home tonight. Euph and Dys have been filling me in (again) on how awesome you all are. I am hoping to bring my Warlock into the guild (and more of my characters if that's OK). I will likely bring my warlock in for raiding unless we need something else. I will also be leveling my Pally just because I always enjoy tanking so it could be available for backup in the future if needed.

I've always favored affliction warlocks since Vanilla so that will *probably* be my choice but I'm going to give all the specs a shot while leveling to see which I like the best after the changes.

Let me know what I need to do to get into the guild and/or what you need from me!

He Cryiene,

He Cryiene,

Great to hear from you. Euph and Dys should have permission to throw you a guild invite and we trust their judgment in recommending you. Go ahead and bring over any characters you want. You'll initially be at a trial rank until we've gotten a few raids under our belts and made sure everything is a good fit.

Welcome aboard!

Thanks Aanvil!

Thanks Aanvil!

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