Guldal - Unholy DK

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Guldal - Unholy DK

Tell us tell us a little about yourself.
I have been playing quite actively since the Cata expansion. I raided extensively on a warrior and death Knight for the last two expansions.

What are you doing when you're not playing WoW? Work? School? We don't want to pry too deeply into your private life but we'd like to get to know you better.
I am in school right now. When I am not doing that I am either long boarding, playing wow, and trying to convince Plaguedipped to get me into boxing.

Tell us about your WoW experience.
I started playing quite young. Plaguedipped tricked me into fishing and doing other tradeskills for his toons. I started playing on his account until I was a bit older and after I got my own account I have been leveling and raiding. I played a lot of PvP and got close to gladiator status. For raiding I have seen most of the last two expansions on Mythic raiding level. I raided with Plaguedipped in Pandaland and continued to progress when he took a break in WoD.

What class and spec(s) are you applying with? What other classes have you played? When did you start playing? What guilds were you in? How much raiding have you done? PVP much?
Unholy Death Knight is what I am playing currently ilevel 843. I have played pretty much each class to max and tried raiding with most of them.
I started playing in Cata. I played on Cenarius mostly, and if I get accepted into the guild I will transfer here to play with Plaguedipped and crew. I know Shane too.
I have done a ton of raiding as I explained above and would like to see this expansions raiding in guild where I can consistantly raid.
I did a ton of PvP. 2v2 mostly and rated battlegrounds. Almost got to gladiator last season - 1711 rating.
What is your Weakness?
I flopped between DK and warrior for a while but with the Legion changes I am commited to the DK.

What do you struggle with? What are you working on improving?
ha! I spend all my money on transmog then Plaguedipped mocks me.

What was your favorite gaming moment?
fishing up my first fish.. ugghh my dad made me say that. My personal was getting my legendary cloak in Mists.

this is my oldest. As I

this is my oldest. As I mentioned in my app post he is better than me at PvP and raiding.
If he gets the nod I will transfer his toon to the server. We played horde for a number of years and I had made the jump back to Proudmoore before him to play with Fearis which is why he is still sitting on Cenarius.

Plagueedipped / Rick

Haha. If you and

Haha. If you and Plaguedipped can survive being in the same guild together, you get my vote! I wish I was able to trick my son into gathering and fishing for me.

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