Guild bank supplies to think about donating

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Dysphoric's picture
Guild bank supplies to think about donating

I know everyone is hurting trying to get their own supplies up for raiding but if we can also think about things we can donate to the guild bank that would be great.

Some things to think about that I know of are:

- Tomes of Tranquil Mind. If you have them from the starter quest and know you aren't going to need it put them in the bank. The mages have to swap back and forth from single target to multi target talents and the scrolls run about 800G each right now. I (and others) gave them what we had Thurs night but they are going to use a lot each night so any help we can give them would be great.

- Do your world quest for the bacon and put it in the bank. Skarn can do the Hearty Feast which requires the bacon. Also look at for other ingredients for the Feast. If you can donate either the raw materials or the completed items for any of those please do. Fish or go farm for meat and drop it in.

- If you are leveling up making lower end enchants and gems please consider putting them in the guild bank if you can afford to not sell them on AH. As people get new gear we are going to burn through those items for awhile it would be nice to have some in the bank for those who can't buy their own.

Throw out other things that are immediate needs. I know we will have longer term needs (pots, flasks, etc) but given costs of some of those mats they may be a bit out of reach right now but of course are always welcome.


>the scrolls run about 800G

>the scrolls run about 800G each right now
OMG so that was not such a small favor after all...I was thinking it is like that Dust in WOD. Now I feel stupid:)

I will add few dozens to guild bank:)

Btw, not sure what Blizz is trying to achieve with this new "raiding is expensive" policy.

It's the Sallow pigment >_

It's the Sallow pigment >_

Of note - Felwort is currently selling for about the same, but when milled into pigment seems to yield about 2/1. So buying up felwort will save some money. Also gained by milling large quantities of herbs at around 1 per 20 herbs >_

The Codex's take 6 per, so if we have 6 people respeccing at once those are more cost effective. Not sure how many people are swapping talents for a boss. Probably best to stick to the tomes?

Oh and let me know if you

Oh and let me know if you want mana or rejuv potions. They are pretty cheap to produce. I haven't bothered with healing because of soulstones.

Im farming as many roses as I can for flasks and combat pots, but holy crap are they slow and costly. Every single useful combat potion takes 2, and each flask takes 7 >_

Severs's picture

I will be dropping Jewelcrafting and picking up herbalism to assist with farming until prices drop. I'll be able to get back any recipes I have previously learned with the JC tome. I'll drop all my uncut gems in the bank for someone to use to make gems.

On this topic there were a

On this topic there were a whole lot of Herbalism WQ's that went up today. Including one for like, 15? Roses. So there might be a sudden drop in the market. Try and grab a bunch if you see them far before 200 (which has been pretty steady for a week)

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