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I found this video to be useful and not only because it is mage POV.

1, Soak camps are just melee and ranged. Less movements for ranged, for healers.
2. Marked person don't need to run gazzilion foots away from boss. In the video they run just to the center. And this is mythic.
3. Look how carefully they use space. Boss enrages at the end but they still didn't cover outer circle with miasms or whatever that called.

If you found something else that may help us - share:)

So the big difference is they

So the big difference is they split along melee/range lines, and alternated running him forward or towards the middle.

Might help get some more dps out of the ranged folks. I think the big issue last week was more about tank deaths though =)

Skarn's picture

At 0:39 you can see them drop the first Miasma puddle on the Red Mark. At 4:36 they are back at the Red Mark. They went around the entire room, but there isn't a puddle there. Why? Check 1:10. When the bear add spawns, the puddle it created goes away. That's actually a benefit in Mythic, you get more space. Regardless, yes, we need to make the best use of the space we can. We were getting pretty good at that last week. Definitely need to overlap the patches.

The Ranged/Melee camps are a good idea, but our challenge is going to be that we have more Melee than Ranged. We need to keep the camps balanced. If Ursoc doesn't run through enough people, the explosion will one-shot some people. I like the idea, we can see what numbers we have. Maybe put a couple melee on the side. It should make things simpler.

Our main problem was definitely tank deaths, with our second problem being raid deaths sub-30%. We are close though, a couple tweaks should push us over. Need to stay alive and use personals sub-30%.

For Science!

Grats on Ursoc last night!

Grats on Ursoc last night! Sorry I missed you guys last night :(

I noticed tank deaths were

I noticed tank deaths were caused by two issues:
- over/underzealous taunting -> double stacks on a tank = death (or a miracle)
- barreling impact/obnoxious roar + overwhelming/rend ticks + melee is a bad combo

We got better with both because learning.

Ran into some ideas for Ursoc

Ran into some ideas for Ursoc that might help us.

Your taunting is off. No tank should EVER be tanking Ursoc while they have Rend Flesh. Boss Melee+Rend Flesh is massive damage compared to 115-130% Melees.

I see "Taunt when co-tank gains a debuff" tossed around a lot, and while that will technically prevent you from having both debuffs, your taunting needs to be more nuanced, especially on Mythic, to minimize tank damage taken as much as possible.

Taunts should happen at the beginning and end of every rend cast, and when rend falls off. Rend cast start will line up exactly with 2xOverwhelm falling off. If it's your turn for rend, you are basically taunting the boss just for the rend application, other tank should taunt right back immediately after you get it, then you taunt the moment your rend falls off, and you repeat with roles swapped.

You want to spread the damage out as evenly as you possibly can. Overwhelm is an increase to damage taken debuff, not a dot. If one tank has the boss and Rend Flesh, that would mean the other tank has the overwhelm debuff and is taking 0 damage. This is bad. Both tanks should be sharing the load, which is why one has rend while the other has the boss.

This will minimize damage done to each tank, but you should definitely tweak as needed during the fight. e.g. you have rend, it will tick 1 or 2 more times, and healers have topped you off, other tank just took a hit to low health, you can taunt a little early to save him if you have a cd rolling/ready.


From my understanding for any ursoc encounter above normal, 2 tanking it becomes extremely difficult due to the raw damage from this boss, in fact my guild has never two tanked it on these difficulties and when we have as a warrior myself, i fall over pretty easily as well and my setup is similar to his. Essentially what most guilds do is use 3 tanks and you have them basically taunting on every application of something deadly the boss does, in this case the two debuffs(overwhelming power and rend i believe they are called). So essentially using that rotation will always end up with one tank having rend the whole fight and not actually tanking the boss for more than a few seconds, and the other two doing most of the work when he is physically attacking. In reference to the setup, tank 1 and tank 3 should be the ones that are best at reducing melee damage taken(which your warrior would fall into) and the 2nd tank that will always get rend, should be one that has a lot of self healing or dot reduction type tanking(which your warrior won't be)

The fight is not as easy as, I'll do rend flesh, you do overwhelm. There's a cadence to the taunting that requires the tanks to periodically switch roles.

It should look something like this:
Tank 1 starts, gets Overwhelm
Tank 2 Taunts when Rend is cast
Tank 1 taunts back, gets Overwhelm stack 2
Tank 2 waits for Rend to fall and taunts for Overwhelm 3
Tank 1 taunts when Rend is cast
Tank 2 taunts back for Overwhelm 4
Tank 1 waits for Rend to fall and taunts for Overwhelm 5
Roaring Cacophony 1
Tank 1 gets Overwhelm 6
Roaring Cacophony 2
Ursoc Charges
And tank 2 taunts to begin the cycle again with Overwhelm. This is for heroic, but I imagine you'd want whichever tank is not actively tanking the boss to pick up the adds.

This cycle repeats itself until the boss is dead.

Which fight are you referring

Which fight are you referring to? I thought we resolved all of this with the WeakAuras triggers.

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