Hadrian - Monk - Tank / DPS / Heal

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Hadrian - Monk - Tank / DPS / Heal

Tell us tell us a little about yourself.

I'm a 32 year old Software Engineer living in Palo Alto (near San Francisco). I work for a company called Stripe that does online payments. Before Stripe I had my own company trying to fix LinkedIn (we're all professionals, but we don't open LinkedIn every morning like we do Facebook). Startups are hard... Before that I worked at Facebook and Yahoo. At Yahoo Sanzaru was my manager for 2 years. I went to Stanford for my Masters and did my undergrad in Canada at the University of Calgary (my home town) in Pure Math and Computer Science.

Video games are my biggest hobby, but I also like board games and puzzle hunts. I prefer puzzle, strategy, and RPG games. Yeah, I'm a nerd. When I'm trying to be less nerdy I'm spending time with my girlfriend of 13 years.

Tell us about your WoW experience.

I played the entire vanilla raiding and BC raiding up to and including Sunwell. I quit because it started to eat my entire time raiding 4 days a week over dinner time. My goal this time around is to actually have a balance :)

What class and spec(s) are you applying with? What other classes have you played? When did you start playing? What guilds were you in? How much raiding have you done? PVP much?

Monk for Heal and DPS and Tank. In that order probably.

My main in Vanilla and BC was a Druid. Started as Resto then became the tank when our guild tank quit. I was in ... I can't remember... on the server Turalyon. I PVP regularly and had a 2500 arena 2v2 team in vanilla. Haven't found a good partner yet this time around so am just LFGing.

What is your Weakness?

I try too hard. This is a job interview, right?

Probably me holding others to a high standard. I usually get annoyed if others don't put in the same effort I am.

What do you struggle with? What are you working on improving?

When I first raided with Game Theory I didn't know how to raid heal anymore. I worked too much on mana efficiency and not enough throughput. I saved my mass heal for emergencies. I would routinely be at 1/2 mana when we killed the boss.

What was your favorite gaming moment?

Beating Civ 5 on Deity. Beating Zelda 2. Playing Chrono Cross. Chocobo racing. 120 Stars in Mario 64. Finishing Xenoblade Chronicles. Doing my first environmental puzzle in The Witness. Playing Starcraft against my high school friends. FR Tanking Illidain in the Black Temple.

Extra Credit

I'll pick the one where I topped the charts :)



Hahah! nice work man.

Hahah! nice work man.

Raiding didn't just sneak in

Raiding didn't just sneak in to his dinnertime. He'd bail out of work early (ok, 5pm) hoping to raid w/o anyone at work finding out. Did he mention we were on the same server? :D

PS Oh hey! I got 95% on my healing in that attempt and a 74% in my dps. Thanks for posting!

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